College Seminar April 9, 2014 *Healthy Choices Part IV
Bell Ringer 5 Minutes O How do I cope with stress?
AIM I will be able to describe the connection between happiness and success and how to apply influence of mood on my won brain.
CHAMPS O C=conversation, you may speak during class share out and when directed to speak with your peers *REMINDER WE PRACTICE RESPECT! O H=help, please raise your hand O A=activity, you are sharing out and responding you peers, and responding to the text. O M=movement we are not, all supplies will be given to you O P=participation, you are listening and responding to your peers, NO heads down, cell phones and/or eating
Forced Choice 5 Minutes O "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. O —Mahatma GandhiMahatma Gandhi O What is the quote saying if you put it in your own words? O What point is the author of the quote trying to make? O Do you agree with this quote’s message?
Gallery Walk at your table 15 minutes O Choose the quote that you agree with the most. O Now as a group share out your quote and why you picked it.
Gallery Walk Discussion Questions 15 minutes O Consider the forced choice that we discussed in our warm- up today. How might the authors of these quotes take a stand on the issue of whether happiness is in a person’s locus of control? O What perspective do these quotes share about the power of the mind? O According to the authors of these quotes, how can people use their minds in order to be happy? O How do you think the authors of these quotes would suggest we grow a mindset to lead a happy life? O What else, beyond a positive mindset, do many of these quotes suggest it takes to live a happy life?
Habits of Mind 20 Minutes O “Your group’s task is to match each habit of mind with its icon, descriptive phrase, definition, and a quote. That means each habit is connected to 5 cards. Any questions?”
Group Share 5 Minutes O We’ll continue growing our understanding of these habits of mind in our next session. To check out today, explain how you think practicing habits of mind might increase a person’s well-being?
Exit Ticket 5 minutes O Likes and/or dislikes about today’s activity and/or process.