Lesson Study at Name of school /location Photo, group shot of teachers, kids, things that identify the context for your work (2 slides max)
Lesson Study 1. STUDY Consider long term goals for student learning and development Study curriculum and standards 2. PLAN Select or revise research lesson Do task Anticipate student responses Plan data collection and lesson 3. DO RESEARCH LESSON Conduct research lesson Collect data 4. REFLECT Share data What was learned about students learning, lesson design, this content? What are implications for this lesson and instruction more broadly?
Our Lesson Study Cycle Time frame Goals (for our lesson or other goals of our group)
Our Research Lesson Planning Photos of key items from planning phase, e.g.: – major questions, group norms, “Big Ideas” Student ideas we considered, e.g., student work, ideas from research, etc. Materials we used to plan the research lesson Major “findings” from planning phase – e.g., what we learned, what was hard & beneficial (3 slides max)
Data on Student Thinking Student solutions (from written work or board) Student ideas before and after research lesson Students working during the research lesson. ( About 2 slides)
Post-Lesson Discussion Photo of group in discussion Summary of big ideas or learnings from the research lesson. ( 2-3 slides)
Reteaching of the Lesson (Optional) Grade level, characteristics, of second class Changes to lesson and why we made them Photo of new class during 2 nd research lesson (1-2 slides)
What We Learned From Reteaching Did the student work/thinking change? Why or why not? What did we learn from revising and reteaching?
Implications of Lesson Study For our teaching (Each teacher may want to make a statement or agree on 1- 3 statements as a group that capture the spirit of this experience.) For student learning about content (e.g. multi-digit subtraction) For us as a community of teachers
Final Reflections Photos and captions/quotes that bring to life your group’s experience. ( The good and, yes, the not so good). 3 things that you would like to remember the next time you teach this content. What you will do differently in your teaching as a result of this experience. Any changes in your thinking about student learning, student assessment, or curriculum? Did you learn something new? Describe. 3 slides max.