SOSC The Culture of Cities Thursday, September 7/2005
Course Director Lewis CodeLewis Code –S404D Ross Building – x Note: Always include “sosc 2730” in the subject heading of messages Office HoursOffice Hours –Mondays2:30-3:20 pm –Wednesdays2:30-3:20 pm
Teaching Assistants Naomi Tracy
Other Communication you will also be subscribed to a course listserv will also be subscribed to a course listserv – activate account – may also use the listserv for discussion relevant to the course.
Course Description the city is an enduring symbol of human culturethe city is an enduring symbol of human culture exploring the culture of cities over the last 5 millenniaexploring the culture of cities over the last 5 millennia – visual images, videos, case studies of world – classic text –– Lewis Mumford's The City in History – series of National Film Board of Canada videos interviews with Mumford himself interviews with Mumford himself
Course Website
Important Dates Quiz # 1October 17Quiz # 1October 17 Quiz # 2November 21Quiz # 2November 21 Essay # 1November 28Essay # 1November 28 Quiz # 3January 30Quiz # 3January 30 Quiz # 4March 6Quiz # 4March 6 Essay # 2March 27Essay # 2March 27 Final ExaminationFinal Examination –during the examination period, April 6-28
Tutorial Sessions Tutorial 01Mondays12:30-1:20 PM108 Winters College Tutorial 02Fridays1:30-1:20 PM0015 TEL Tutorial 05Fridays12:30-1:20 PM2016 Vari Hall Tutorial 04Mondays8:30-9:20 AM106 Farquharson
Evaluation Quizzes (10% each, best 3 out of 4 for a total of 30%) 30%Quizzes (10% each, best 3 out of 4 for a total of 30%) 30% Note: there are no make-ups for the quizzes Final Examination25%Final Examination25% Essay20%Essay20% Tutorial Participation15%Tutorial Participation15%
Final Examination the examination schedule is not posted by the Registrar’s Office until the Winter termthe examination schedule is not posted by the Registrar’s Office until the Winter term the final examination period is from April 6-28the final examination period is from April 6-28 make your vacation or travel plans accordinglymake your vacation or travel plans accordingly
Reading Mumford, Lewis (1961). The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations and Its Prospects. New York: Harcourt Brace & CompanyMumford, Lewis (1961). The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations and Its Prospects. New York: Harcourt Brace & Company other online readings may be recommended from time to time.other online readings may be recommended from time to time.
1: Introduction 2: Origins: 3000 BC to 1000 BC 3: Classical Greek and Roman Cities: 1000 BC to 500 4: Medieval Cities: 900 to : Baroque Cities: 15th to 18th Centuries 6: Colonial Cities: 16th to 19th Centuries 7: Modern Cities: Late 18th Century to 20th Century 8: Postmodern Cities: Cities in the Third Millennium 9: Overview
How did Front Street get its name?