Part II of global issues 1.Write a persuasive poem convincing your audience why they need to be aware of the problem and do something to address it. (Use your background information as the body of your poem) 2.You need to include 3 different literacy devices that you learned in Larts. (rhyme, rhythm, personification, metaphor, simile, imagery, symbolism, alliteration, repetition 3.It needs to be four verses of two rhyming sentences each 4.You will turn in the rough draft to be checked and then create a powerpoint slide of your poem and image. Look at these examples:
Awareness © Sylvia Stults Broken bottles and charred pieces of glass Wadded up newspapers tossed on the grass Pouring of concrete and tearing out trees This is the environment that surrounds me? Poisons and insecticides sprayed on our food Oceans filling with thick oil crude All sea life destined to a slow awful doom These are the things we are to consume? Mills pumping out iron expelling yellow fumes Airlines emitting caustic gases from fuels Weapons of destruction tested at desolate sites And this is the air that's to sustain life? There has to be something that someone can do Like raise the awareness to those around you That if we don't heed the problem at hand It's your life that's at stake, the destruction of man. The World is a beautiful place...or is it?
“Global Warming” Oh dear! oh dear, the world is warm, it’s warmer! It’s warmer! Can’t you see? With the sea levels rising and the world is frying, why don’t you act and see? Oh dear! oh dear! the world is frying, so what can we do to avoid the heat? Let’s try not idling cars and not wasting light and recycle what we have. Let’s hope for the good as good it will be as long as your hope will be Oh dear! oh dear! the ice is melting, and depleting our fresh water resource, Come on friends, let’s join hands, let’s go on a mission, to save fresh water for our generation AT LEAST!!
There but for the grace of God go I... I never thought about my life, all comfortable and safe, until I saw another who was only but a waif. He lived in one room with his family, all 11 of them, In Guatemala, in el campo, feeling nothing but condemned to a life of poverty like most of those he knows, his life never changing, no hope, no school, just a wooden hoe. What a difference only a little money would make, I thought of all the classes he could maybe take, to learn a skill, a business to start, and give new life to his saddened heart. They say that business is about making money and devising schemes, but it also allows us a chance to provide opportunity to fund others’ dreams. And so I gave and little by little, the light grew brighter and as others joined in, the sun broke out and shone across the sky, I could feel the tears start in my eyes, as everyone who could helped those who needed a hand, and now together, we all could stand, proud of who we are and what we could do, shoulder to shoulder, him, me, and you.
What you need to include: Use at least (3) of the elements of poetry learned in Larts in your poem. Specifics about your issue – facts, information, and statistics Create a powerpoint slide and make sure it has: 1.the poem, easy to read font 2.a picture (credit it – cite it) make sure it enhances your poem, is related well to the issue 3.a graphically pleasing presentation Write out your rough draft of your poem first and have it checked.