Lecture 6 ELISA!
E L I S A nzyme- inked mmuno- orbent ssay Protein that facilitates a chemical reaction Immune system - antibodies Survey technique: High throughput Overview
Antibodies? Virus H-bonding signature
Antibodies? Atrazine How can you use antibodies to detect it?
Antibodies? Expose Collect sera Harvest atrazine specific antibodies
How ELISA works Competition for the antibody active sites between: Analyte of interest - Antigen (ie. Atrazine) Analyte mimic or antigen mimic
The Major Players Compound of interest Atrazine =
The Major Players Competitor = E ELISA
The Major Players The Antibody ELISA Fe
Detection E H2O2H2O2 Compound that is detected BlueYellow via enzyme catalyzed reaction
Cross-reactivity AtrazineDesethyl Atrazine Simazine Ametryn