Title analysis A fox is a wild animal like a dog with reddish – brown fur, a pointed face and a thick tail. The second meaning of this noun is used to say when someone is good and clever at deceiving people.
Content The story is set during the First World War in the west of London. Banford and March are two women about thirty years old. They try to make an autonomous life. But one day something breaks their life style: the arrive of Henry. He fells in love with March and he propouse her to get marriedat the biginning she accepts, but when he come back into the army she writes him a letter where she explanes that she can’t marry him because of Banford.So he come back to the farm to kill Banford. In the end March and Henry got married.
Characterization The characterization consist on different catagories: physical description social status economical status personality behaviour psychological description manners health appearance movements skills stances
Setting I World War In the Army In the farm The atmosphere is really upset because of the cruelty of war.
Characters main characters: Benford March Henry (the fox) secondary characters: CaptainBerryman Benford’s mother and father
Message Extended metaphore of the relationship between man and woman
My Personal Reading of “The Fox” by D.H. Lawrence Giorgia Bonetto 4^ A A.S. 2009/2010
To analize the story you have to consider: Title Meaning Content Characters Characterization Setting The Message