Welcome to Croatia
Plitvica UNESCO protected national park Prehistoric Croatia
Prehistoric Life in Croatia Caves Near Pula – 1 million years BC Caves Near Pula – 1 million years BC Krapina Krapina -Neanderthals 128,000 BC -Neanderthals 128,000 BC Neolithic Period (6000 – 2000) BC Neolithic Period (6000 – 2000) BC
Pharos Stari Grad
300 years AD AD After Christ After Christ Roman occupation of Solin, Briuni, Pula Roman occupation of Solin, Briuni, Pula Diocletian’s persecution of the Christians Diocletian’s persecution of the Christians
Sveti Duje was originally Diocletian’s mausoleum Became a cathedral in the 8 th cen.
Dubrovnik Walls and Forts
Fort above HVAR Port
TROGIR Sveti Ivan Cathedral
Dubrovnik 14 th Century
Franciscan Monistary and Pharmacy operating since 1391
Rector’s Palace 1441
Quarintine: lower right
Onofrio Fountain 1438 Onofrio Fountain 1438
CULTURAL VALUES Lower time criticality Lower time criticality Little need for planning Little need for planning “In the US it’s ok to be stupid as long as you are not lazy; in Croatia, it’s ok to be lazy as long as you are not stupid.”
CULTURAL VALUES Being Doing _____CC___________________________AA___ Career Life ___AA______________________________CC__ IndependenceCollectivism ___AA_____________________________CC____
Low Tolerance for Ambiguity High ____AA__________________________CC______ Low Power Distance High ___AA_____________________________CC___ Adler, Nancy. International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior 1997 Low Risk Taking High ___CC____________________________AA____Winkworth
My Granpa My granpa was friends with the stars With the sun and the moon My granpa was friends with the donkeys And the snakes and goats. My granpa was friends with the rain And every wind, frost and wild animal. And when he worked barefoot in the fields Cause my granpa since he was a kid, Since he was a kid he grew into the earth Even hawk-eyed granma Couldn’t tell his legs From the sinews of an olive tree. AND THAT’S HOW MY GRANPA STOOD NEXT TO GOD