Data Capture Initiatives and Stimulus Benefits IMSF Spring Conference New Orleans, LA, USA 5 May 2009 Doug McDonald, US Army Corps of Engineers
Public - private initiative –Barge companies –Federal agencies –Service providers –Universities Framework to send and receive electronic navigation information One standard message –One standard set of codes –One time Leveraging –Technology –Partners Coastal and River Information Services (CRIS)
USACE Barge Companies AIS Position Reports to identify new NPI’s CDC Reporting Requirement Web services Interface with Industry for dynamic updates Need to report to Feds and each other Information on Liquid Bulk Facilities. Updates Provided Quarterly Interface to provide dynamic updates on all facilities involved with international commerce. Portal for Port Authorities, Facility Owners, and Public to View and Update Facility Information Publication of Navigation Points of Interest with standard unique IDs GIS applications
Federal- Industry Logistics Standardization (FILS) –Standard Location Codes for Dock Facilities –Standard River Names and Mile Points –Standard Vessel Codes –Standard Commodity Codes A joint collaboration between Industry & Governmental Agencies to adopt a uniform nomenclature for US Navigational Points of Interest in order to improve accuracy and efficiency when sharing common information. Guiding principles – Accepted by Industry – Accepted by Federal Agencies – Usable in multiple transmission formats – Adhere to international standards
Maps with facilities available on web Coast Guard, Army Corps, IRS, CBP and industry facility inventories compatible Interactive Facilities Database available on the web Standard commodity codes: incorporate UNDG and HS codes into one list Standard vessel codes (including dry cargo barges) Near Term FILS Milestones
Master Docks Plus Managing Static Information on Navigation Points of Interest
Partnering with Academia
Integrating with S-57 and S-100 Charts USHUN0WGJ USHUN0WGK
Leveraging U.S. Coast Guard Automated Identification System (AIS) New Coast Guard regulations expand coverage and scope of AIS AIS required for all U.S. navigable waters Adds domestic vessels > 500 GRT Improve safety Improve data quality and coverage Enhance other data sets: Customs, Census, etc.
Source: USCG Office of Navigation Systems Data for Safety and Awareness
Cross-Checking and Correcting Data Customs Data (General Location) AIS Data (Specific Location)
Identifying and Cataloging Navigation Points of Interest Possible New Facility
Corps e-Navigation for the 21st Century (CeNav 21) Leverages concepts from DoRIS (Danube River Information Service) Operational real time data capture at the Corps’ 196 commercial lock sites Transmittal of met/hydro data to the vessels in the vicinity of locks: river stage, forecast water level, weather, ice, discharge, etc. Transmittal lock operational data: queue, gate settings, delays, etc., via a local receiver or to the USCG for transmission.
Impacts of Stimulus on Data Initiatives Impacts are short term boosts: < 2 years for development Upgrade and accelerate coverage of IENC’s $3M US Accelerating development of CeNav-21 $3.2M US Accelerating Physical Infrastructure Development (US DOT)
Enhancing the USCG’s NAIS Infrastructure Current NAIS I-1 Coverage Source: USCG Navigation Center
NAIS Increment 3 Source: USCG Navigation Center