Reading and learning-strategies – January 2011 / 2012 School-library in active use – 2012 / 2013 Educational centre of Kristiansand Havlimyra school The 3 rd reading education
January 2011 – April 2012 Start-up course The teachers started working with the implantation of the three reading phases with relevant strategies in their classes New course Work continues. Reflection an improvement with colleges and pupils etc…….. This is a long term work! It’s an ongoing work!
Curriculum - basic skills Reading Oral skills Writing Numeracy Digital skills
You are a teacher of reading in your subjects What do you do to learn the pupils to read and learn from the book in: Social sciences Natural science History English Religion Norwegian Mathematics Music……..?
An interview with a girl in the class Situation: The girl is sitting by her desk reading in the religion book. The class is working with their homework. The pupils are told what to read and which tasks to solve. What are you reading about? It is something about Islam. How do you approach to the text you are reading in this chapter? I just read (fidgeting the book) How do you manage to learn from what you are reading? I remember something (still fidgeting the book) Do you have any useful reading strategies ? I don’t thing so. I don’t know. The tasks helps a little (looks questioning at the interviewer). Why do you ask?
The 3.rd reading education concerns developing reading skills in all subjects: Read, listen, talk and write (basic skills) by using reading and learnings-strategies in the three reading phases: Pre reading phase – main reading phase – post reading phase = before we read = while we are reading = after we have been reading
Some learning strategies we worked with Quick writing Mind map Questions to the text Personal approach to the text “Dresser principle” Venn diagram Problem solving Developing the subjects language, new words “KWL- form” Two-column note etc………….
Personal approach to texts in different subjects – a strategy you can use in all three reading phases. When I read I noticed …..(concerns the pupils observations) I knew. …….(concerns what the pupils already know, experiences, thoughts) I was aware that…….(The pupils experiences, the context ) This was new to me ……( New information, new formulations, new words / terms) I wander ……….(the pupils questions and wonders)
Venn diagram Helps the pupils to see the differences and similarities Specific information (f.ex.Islam) Specific information (f.ex.Christianity) What do they have in common?
I knew I was aware of: I noticed: I learnt: I was surprised: I didn’t understand: I have these questions: Dresser principle
Basic model Read / listening Think Cooperate Quick writing Response The pupils are working in pairs. Make sure that everybody get the chance to talk about the text. The teacher is always leading the conversation and using one or several learning strategies / methods.
The class is reading and preparing themselves for a test How are you doing with the reading? It’s too many pages, really. How do you approach to the text? I use two column-note mostly. Sometimes I use quick-writing to find out what I remember. What are you doing in the pre-reading phase? I look at the pictures and what’s written underneath. I check the headline and the sub-titles. Then I get to know a great deal about what the chapter is about. What do you do in the post reading phase? I tell my fellow student what I have noticed. We talk about what we have been reading and I tell him what have noticed. We talk about everything we have been reading by using personal approach to the text. In the end I plan to use quick writing as much as I can about what I have been Why do you do this? To check out what I can before the test.
How do you work with reading in your subjects? What do you do? Why do you do it this way? What do the pupils achieve?
”Teachers improve their skills by working with their practice.” ”Activate your students to own their learning.” Director and professor at Institute of Education University of London Dylan Wiliam 2009
Reading and literature project September 2012 – April 2013 Stimulating reading (specially boys) Literature Reading tips / good books for youth Education centre and public library in Kristiansand
Classroom research - reading The teacher is important for the pupils learning The school has to find time for reading and show that reading is important Good role models (teacher). Show the pupils that you are a reader yourself and share the reading experience with the pupils The school library can stimulate for reading Important to create culture of reading
Reading groups for teachers Three teachers in each group The library makes book packages for the teachers The groups meet every third Wednesday and present books to each other Book cards: author, title, topic, synopsis, etc.
Reading loud for the pupils We are reading loud for the pupils in all classes (15 min. every day) Literary shared experiences All the pupils participate Reflections Conversation
Reading week for the pupils The pupils write a letter to the teacher / public librarian: What they have been reading What they want to read What kind of hobby an interests they have The letters increase the pupils awareness of their own reading and own reading interests The teachers make their own remarks and send the letters to the librarian
Reading week The librarian comes with a huge suitcase with books “Book deliver ceremony” and presentation The pupils read every day They keep the books in their bookshelf Exhibition of books for youth in the classroom
Book presentation If you like the book, the presentation will be good You ought to have read the book Give samples from the book Be engaged Don’t tell everything You may dramatize
Boys and reading Reading is boring I read because my teacher tells me I never read, but I always read It’s not necessary to be a good reader to get a good job Boys choose books concerning leisure interests (fantasy, crime, horror, cartoons, magazines…..)
What do we do? Make sure that the library has a good selection of books in this genres: Motor Nature Technique Cartoons Fantasy Horror War
«THE STAIRS» –Reading strategies, and class Plan for stimulating reading –Must do and can do Library in active use –Always open –Pupil assistants –Librarian (teacher)