Page 1 Formative and Summative Assessment by TIE, Melanie Hurley, Learning Specialist
Page 2 What do we want for our students? “We all want students who have high expectations of themselves as learners; students who feel confident about their capacity to learn, who set high goals for their learning, and who work for themselves to construct enjoyable, challenging learning pathways to their futures.” (Absolum, 2006)
Page 3 Outcomes I know what is the difference from most formative to most summative I know there is a continuum in assessment from most formative to most summative I know how to use most formative in my classroom I know how to use most summative in my classroom
Page 4 The word ‘Assess’ “Comes from the Latin verb “assidere” meaning “to sit with”. In assessment, one should sit with the learner. This implies it is something we do with and for students and not to students.” (Green, 1998)
Page 5 How do you see assessment? Assessment point/task After learning During learning Feedback Feed-forward Learning continuum Of learning For learning Looks back Looks forward Review/reflect Improve/enhance Activity: Use the listed terms as a starting point to develop a representation (model, mind-map, concept map) of how you see the relationship between summative and formative assessment.
Page 6 Sharing Out our Concept Maps How are our concept maps similar/ different?
Page 7 What are summative and formative assessment? The Garden Analogy If we think of our children as plants … Summative assessment of the plants is the process of simply measuring them. It might be interesting to compare and analyze measurements but, in themselves, these do not affect the growth of the plants. Formative assessment, on the other hand, is the equivalent of feeding and watering the plants appropriate to their needs - directly affecting their growth.
Page 8 Formative and Summative Assessment An easy distinction between formative and summative assessment: Formative assessment is assessment for learning. Its focus is on future achievement. Summative assessment is assessment of learning. It assesses what has been learned in the past.
Page 9 Interconnected However, formative and summative assessment are interconnected. They seldom stand alone in construction or effect. “Using the terms formative and summative assessment can give the impression that these are different kinds of assessment or are linked to different methods of gathering evidence. This is not the case; what matters is how the evidence is used.” (Harlen, 2006)
Page 10 Rick Wormeli: Formative and Summative Assessment rJxFXjfB_B4http:// rJxFXjfB_B4
Page 11 Put it Together I say strategy Formative assessment – (clap) for the learner Teach (with partner) I say strategy Summative assessment – (round it up motion) sums it up Teach (with partner)
Page 12 Formative Assessment Example ab4hbIsOonUhttp:// ab4hbIsOonU
Page 13 Comparing Assessment for and of Learning: Overview of Key Differences Read and Highlight Very Important Points (VIPs) Share VIPs
Page 14 Comparing Assessment for and of Learning: Overview of Key Differences
Page 15 Share VIPs
Page 16 Now we Know the “WHAT” of Formative and Summative Now….Self Assess
Page 17
Page 18 Reflect over Self-Assessment Decide – What are your strengths? Decide – What are your areas for improvement? Put yellow sticky note on strength put pink sticky note on area for improvement
Page 19 Complete How I Plan to Use Assessment in My Class With a partner brainstorm ways you plan to use most formative and somewhat formative assessment in your classroom Complete the last column of the chart
Page 20
Page 21 Let’s Put the Pieces Together Where does learning targets fit into assessment formative and summative? Discuss with a partner Share main points of your discussion in a picture Most Formative – More Formative – More Summative – Most Summative
Page 22 One-step-at-a-time - goal achieving cartoon doodle video 8cCiqbSJ9fghttp:// 8cCiqbSJ9fg
Page 23 Next Session Bring: Lesson Plans Assessment – examples of both formative and summative Standards One content area materials
Page 24 In each series of lessons ask, What is the end goal? End goal = Top of the Stairs (Summative) How you get to the goal = One step at a time Learning Targets Every Day (Most Formative) Learning Targets Combined (More Formative) = Half Way Point Up Stairs, looking forward and back to see how you are doing as the learner and teacher
Page 25 Planning Look at next series of lessons/unit Map out the following: 1.Standards 2.Learning Targets 3.Formative Assessments 4. Mid-point assessments and plan for how and what you will do for students who are not learning content 5.Summative Assessments
Page 26 Planning is like a book… Title of the book – Big Idea of the Learning Content – Essential Learning Table of Contents – Learning targets for each lesson Chapters – Details of each lesson, activities
Page 27 While you plan…. ASK yourself –Does my standard match the learning target? –Does my formative assessment match the standard and learning target? –Do my lesson match the standard and learning target? –Does my summative assessment match the standards and the learning targets?
Page 28 Reflect on learning – 3 – 2- 1 Share 3 things you learned Share 2 things you are still wondering about Share 1 thing you will do in the future
Page 29 Survey Monkey PD7FNF6https:// PD7FNF6