Motivation Significant impact on public safety, health care, environment control, and manufacturing MIT Technology Review named wireless sensor networks as one of the ten technologies that will change the world in the 21st century
iMote2 Platform (Top View) University of Washington - Ubicomp Research Page, "IMote2," accessed on May 19, 2009 at
iMote2 Platform (Bottom View) University of Washington - Ubicomp Research Page, "IMote2," accessed on May 19, 2009 at
Imote2 Basic Sensor Board Crossbow Technology, Inc., "ITS400 Datasheet," accessed on May 19, 2009 via
Testbed Architecture of Wireless Sensing and Data Sharing Lin, T., Zhang, Y., and Cheng, L., “Integrating wireless sensor networks with collaborative groupware,” a demo at the Ninth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2003), San Diego, CA, September 14-19, 2003.
Testbed User Interface
Crossbow Imote2 Battery board Sensor boardRadio/processor board Environment Monitoring Battery board and radio/processor board vs. Golf ball