Comma Splices Identification & Avoidance
What is it?? A comma splice is the use of a comma where a period is needed. A fused sentence is one that does not have any punctuation at all where a period should be used. A.K.A.: RUN-ON…YIKES!!!
Four ways to fix a CS Use a period after the first complete sentence and capitalize the word after the period. Put a coordinating conjunction (fanboys) between the clauses. Be sure to use a comma before (never after) the conjunction. –“fanboys” = for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Use a subordinating conjunction between the clauses. –after, although, since, when, while, etc. Use a semicolon between the clauses. Do not capitalize the first word of the second clause.
Examples Bill and Ted had an excellent adventure, they traveled through time to meet famous people. W. C. Fields once said, “I am free of all prejudice, I hate everyone equally.” The lectures are interesting and the reading is fun, however, I don’t like my professor. Some think he is crazy, others believe he is a genius. Many parents are too permissive, not believing that children should be punished, this theory is responsible for much of society’s ills.
Examples fixed: Bill and Ted had an excellent adventure; they traveled through time to meet famous people. OR Since Bill and Ted traveled through time and met famous people, they had an excellent adventure. W.C. Fields once said, “I am free of all prejiduce; I hate everyone equally.” The lectures are interesting and fun, but I don’t like the professor. OR The lectures are interesting and fun; however, I don’t like the professor. Some think he is crazy; others think he is a genius. OR While some think he is crazy, other think he is a genius. Many parents are too permissive, not believing that children should be punished. This theory is responsible for much of society’s ills. OR Many parents are too permissive, not believing that children should be punished, and this theory is responsible for much of society’s ills.