Venus Observing Program History v In 1991, GO 2393 (PI: Bertaux) proposed to observe Mars and Venus with GHRS and was approved by the TAC, but the Venus observations were later removed due to concerns about solar avoidance. v In 1995, HST observed Venus with GHRS and WFPC2 (GO 4518, PI: Esposito and GO 5783, PI: Esposito). v In 1996, two GO Venus proposals (6706, PI: Bertaux and 6771, PI: Na) were approved by the TAC; and there was one GTO/WF2 program (6851, PI: Trauger) to observe Venus. All of these were cancelled by the STScI Director shortly after phase 2 submission.
Venus Observing Program History v In 1997, there was a GTO/STIS program (7581, PI: Moos) to observe Venus. Much implementation work was done, but the program was then withdrawn by the PI. v In 2003, HST observed Venus with STIS (GO 8659, PI: Bullock). v In , HST observed Venus with STIS (NASA 12433, PI: Jessup). v In 2013, HST will observe Venus with STIS (GO 13047, PI: Clarke).
Venus Observing Program History v Western Elongation ä January 1995 ä January 2003 ä December January 2011 v Eastern Elongation ä October 2013