COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY Looks like… a X b = b X a The order of the numbers doesn’t change the answer to the problem!
COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY a X b = b X a How can I remember this? “Commutative” sounds like “communicate.” The a is COMMUNICATING (talking) with the b and then the b is COMMUNICATING (talking) back to the a.
COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY What goes in the blank? 5 X 2 = 2 X ___
COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY What goes in the blank? 5 X 2 = 2 X 5
COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY What goes in the blank? 7 X 8 = ___ X 7
COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY What goes in the blank? 7 X 8 = 8 X 7
ASSOCIATIVE PROPERTY Looks like… (a X b) x c = a X (b x c) The grouping of the factors doesn’t change the answer!
ASSOCIATIVE PROPERTY (a X b) x c = a X (b x c) How can I remember this? If you associate with someone, you are hanging out. So the a, b, and c all hang out or “associate” with each other but sometimes in different groups. (There is still only ONE a, b, and c hanging out! Just like there is only one Johnny, Freddie, and Bob!)
ASSOCIATIVE PROPERTY What goes in the blank? (2 X 3) x 7 = __ X (3 x 7)
ASSOCIATIVE PROPERTY What goes in the blank? (2 X 3) x 7 = 2 X (3 x 7)
ASSOCIATIVE PROPERTY What goes in the blank? (5 X 4) x 8 = 5 X (__ x 8)
ASSOCIATIVE PROPERTY What goes in the blank? (5 X 4) x 8 = 5 X ( 4 x 8)
DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY Looks like… a x (b + c) = (a x b) + (a x c) Multiplying the sum or difference by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum or difference by the number and adding or subtracting the product!
DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY a x (b + c) = (a x b) + (a x c) How can I remember this? If you distribute something, you hand it out. With this property, the first number is being distributed to the other numbers!
DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY What goes in the blank? 9 X (20 - 3) = (9 X ___) – (9 X 3)
DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY What goes in the blank? 9 X (20 - 3) = (9 X 20 ) – (9 X 3)
DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY What goes in the blank? 5 X (2 + 7) = (5 X 2) + (___ X 7)
DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY What goes in the blank? 5 X (2 + 7) = (5 X 2) + ( 5 X 7)
IDENTITY PROPERTY Looks like… a X 1 = a Any number multiplied by 1 will give you the original number!
IDENTITY PROPERTY a X 1 = a How can I remember this? A person has ONE identity which defines them. So any number multiplied by ONE would show the identity property!
IDENTITY PROPERTY What goes in the blank? 8 x 1 = ____
IDENTITY PROPERTY What goes in the blank? 8 x 1 = 8
IDENTITY PROPERTY What goes in the blank? ___ x 1 = 45
IDENTITY PROPERTY What goes in the blank? 45 x 1 = 45
ZERO PROPERTY Looks like… a X 0 = 0 When any number is multiplied with zero, the answer is zero!
ZERO PROPERTY a X 0 = 0 How can I remember this? Well… I hope this is as obvious to you as it is to me. Any number multiplied by ZERO equals ZERO in the ZERO property!
ZERO PROPERTY What goes in the blank? 5 x 0 = ____
ZERO PROPERTY What goes in the blank? 5 x 0 = 0
ZERO PROPERTY What goes in the blank? 2,346 x ____ = 0
ZERO PROPERTY What goes in the blank? 2,346 x 0 = 0
Name the property that is being shown in each of the following slides.
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 72 x 0 = 0 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 72 x 0 = 0 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. (2 X 6) x 7 = 2 X (6 x 7) Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. (2 X 6) x 7 = 2 X (6 x 7) Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 9 x 4 = 4 x 9 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 9 x 4 = 4 x 9 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 1 x 6 = 6 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 1 x 6 = 6 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 2 X (5 - 1) = (2 X 5) – (2 X 1) Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 2 X (5 - 1) = (2 X 5) – (2 X 1) Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. (7 X 5) x 3 = 7 X (5 x 3) Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. (7 X 5) x 3 = 7 X (5 x 3) Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 0 x 11 = 0 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 0 x 11 = 0 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 5 x 6 = 6 x 5 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 5 x 6 = 6 x 5 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 8 X (3 + 6) = (8 X 3) + (8 X 6) Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 8 X (3 + 6) = (8 X 3) + (8 X 6) Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 25 x 1 = 25 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 25 x 1 = 25 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 8 x 2 = 2 x 8 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 8 x 2 = 2 x 8 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 153 x 0 = 0 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 153 x 0 = 0 Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 9 X (6 - 5) = (9 X 6) – (9 X 5) Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. 9 X (6 - 5) = (9 X 6) – (9 X 5) Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. (1 X 7) x 4 = 1 X (7 x 4) Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property
NAME THE PROPERTY THAT IS BEING SHOWN BELOW. (1 X 7) x 4 = 1 X (7 x 4) Commutative Property Associative Property Identity Property Zero Property Distributive Property