BOHEMIAN PHASE Rachelle Buch Fabia Hossain Hollan Vander Hey Tyler Adams
Overview Historians divided the Thirty Years' War into four parts; Bohemian Phase being the first. People you need to know: Archduke Ferdinand Calvinist Nobles Frederick V The Spanish Duke Maximilian of Bavaria The Dutch
The Start (Archduke Ferdinand) Fighting started over the election of a new king for Bohemia. In 1617, the Bohemian Estates accepted the Hapsburg Archduke Ferdinand as their king. Was elected due to Matthias not having an heir Ferdinand was a devout Catholic who began a process of re-Catholicizing Bohemia, Calvinist State, and strengthening royal power.
The Start cont. (The Rebellion) The nobles that elected Ferdinand immediatly regretted their decision causing them to rebell. In May 1618,the nobles proclaimed their resistacne by throwing two of the Habsburg governors and a secretary out of the window of the royal castle in Prague. Prague was the seat of the Bohemian government.
Catholics believed they were saved due to the Virgin Mary, while the Protestants say it's because they landed in manure.
A New Beginning The Bohemian rebels now seized control of Bohemia, got rid of Ferdinand and elected a new ruler. Elected Frederick V, the ruler of Palatinate and the head of the Protestant Union. Ferdinand refused to accept his deposition. I’m King now. #blessed Darn #notblessed
Battle of White Mountain (November 8th, 1620) Ferdinand was aided by the forces of Maximilian of Bavaria and the Catholic league. They defeated Frederick and the Bohemian Nobles. Outside of Prague on Nov. 18, 1620 Marked the first major victory for the Roman Catholic
Battle of White Mountain cont. (November 8th, 1620) The Spanish troops took advantage of Fredrick's situation by invading the Palatinate and conquered it. Frederick fled into exile in the United Provinces. Spanish took control of the western part of Palatinate and Duke Maximilian of Bavaria took the rest.
Results Reestablished Emperor Ferdinand as the king of the Bohemia. Also declared Bohemia a hereditary Habsburg possession, confiscated the land of the Protestant land. Established Catholicism as the sole religion The Spanish renewed their attack on the Dutch and the forces of Catholicism seemed on the road of victory