CTE Follow-up 2008 Workshop
Purposes and Uses School / program improvement Perkins core performance (3S1 - Placement) Factor in review of added cost rankings Program review considerations (i.e. students finding jobs / continuing education) Data used for Career Preparation System and in Michigan consumer reports to show impact of CTE programs
Target Population 12th grade wage-earning program completers from school year 11th grade wage-earning program completers from school year (if they did not complete as a 12th grader in ) Adult (grade 13) wage-earning program completers from school year Counts unduplicated statewide using UIC
What’s new for 2008? CTEIS (web) follow-up features –Alphabetical listing of students by operating building across all programs –List of students reported as completer at operating building but on follow-up list of different operating building (based on statewide unduplication by UIC) Continued Response Rate requirements –Goal for 2008: % response rate –If < 50% response rate - possible noncompliance which may result in withholding of state/federal funds –Districts with buildings with response rates of 50% or less must send representative to technical assistance workshop Follow-up 2007 – Six (6) buildings with < 50% response
Follow-up X0610 state level Completers – 37,200 Responses – 31, % Placement - 30, % Perkins 3S1 (Grads/Placed) –29, %
Improving Response rates Preparations before students leave school Phone numbers Family / permanent contacts Address Telephone vs. mail surveys Best time to contact student Dealing with noncontacts –(i.e. disconnects, answering machines, caller ID)
Train Interviewers to: Understand thoroughly the survey forms Make every effort to interview the student Be consistent Follow question wording exactly Be objective Follow the survey script Check their work
Prefaces to stay away from: Blameless: This is confidential, but the state needs it. Estimates: Approximately how much?; About how much? Apologetic: If you don’t mind my asking; Would you mind me asking?; I know this is sensitive, but... On guard!: I have to ask this question.; Now I’m going to get real personal. Proxy: You may not be able to answer, but... Opt out: This is an optional question.; You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.
Solution: Just read the question. There is nothing wrong with asking how much a student makes. And, while they have the option to refuse to answer, telling them upfront may indicate to them that you don’t want them to answer. Ask it as though it’s just another question – which it is – and they are more likely not to hesitate. Be nonchalant, casual about it. This will help you be objective.
Potential Problem:. The completer may want to know more information before answering.
Solution: Why are you asking? –It helps us to know how our students are doing. Who gets this information? –The data is reported to the district and the state, but your responses are confidential. Names are not included in the data that is reported.
Potential Problem: Some completers may refuse to answer, however others may just be uncertain.
Solution: If a person refuses to answer or clearly does not want to, then immediately skip the question and move on. However, if the person suggests that they are uncertain by saying something like “I’m not sure,” then ask if they could give an estimate.
Adhere to Follow-up Time lines Important so that data can be processed Timely delivery of reports to district
2008 Follow-up Time lines Week of February 4, 2008 –Follow-up packets mailed to CEPD Administrators for distribution to local districts. All materials will also be made available online via the MDE web site. Upon receipt of packets, CEPD Administrators should distribute them to local district follow-up contacts, verifying receipt with 3 days of delivery. Week of February 11, 2008 –Local Districts begin the survey data collection process. April 25, 2008 –Districts are to authorize the submission of their follow-up data to their CEPD Administrator by April 25th. –CEPD Administrators should notify Andrew Middlestead at OCTE ( ) of districts which have not submitted along with a projected delivery date. May 2, 2008 –CEPD Administrators are to authorize release of follow-up data for their districts to OCTE no later than May 2nd. Week of September 1, 2008 –SSC mails survey results to CEPD administrators for distribution to local superintendents
Support Services The Survey Support Center provides a variety of services for follow-up. The SSC will: –Supply additional needed materials for districts. –Answer questions related to the follow-up survey forms. –Offer suggestions for solving problems you may have in conducting your survey. –Provide advice for conducting an efficient and effective follow-up survey.
Help is Available If you have any technical or logistical questions regarding the survey forms, or need assistance with how to collect the survey data, please call the Survey Support Center at IDEA Consultants, Inc. at (800) or (248) or us at For any issues relating to CTEIS operations or usage, please contact PTD Technology at (517) x27 or (800) x27 or them at Direct questions regarding MDE policy issues as well as suggestions for further improvement to Mr. Andrew Middlestead, Office of Career and Technical Education ( ).
Steps for Success Follow-up 2008 using CTEIS has been designed as a step-by-step process. By following these steps, you can be sure you will not overlook any of the necessary elements. Step 6: Enter Survey Data Step 8: Submissi on of Data to OCTP Step 9: Review Results Step 5: Student Contacts Step 4: Review Follow-up Listing Step 7: Submission of Survey Data to Fiscal Agent Step 2: Identify non 4301 complete d programs Step 3: Generate follow-up listing Step 1: Review Follow-up Packet
Step 1. Review your Follow-up packet. Memorandum from OCTE & SSC Survey forms (introductory script, student, proxy, mail) for duplication purposes Follow-Up 2008 Protocol Manual Follow-up CTEIS Instructional guide
Step 2. Identification of non 4301 completed programs. Update completion status of other completed programs not captured on Based on programs reported on 2006 and D reports Allows choice of program if student is interviewed
Step 3. Generate Follow-up Listing. Login to CTEIS –Access to Follow-up Click Follow up, Survey Check desired buildings Create Follow up list
Step 4. Review Listing. UIC order within Program Counts based on –Subject to OCTP unduplication (UIC) Status –INIT: No data entered –COMP: Survey data entered –COMP NC: Noncontact reason entered
Step 5. Student Contacts. Duplicate forms Survey labels Write UIC or Name on Intro script or attach label Use proper survey form based on contact type
Step 6. Enter Survey Data. Click Survey for desired building
Step 6. Enter Survey Data. Search for student Select student Select program Select survey type
Survey Form. Section A: Current Status
Survey Form. Section B: Training
Survey Form. Section C: Employment
Survey Form. Section D: Looking for Job
Survey Form. Comments
Survey Form. Miscellaneous
Step 7. Submission of Follow-up to Fiscal Agency – April 25, 2008 Choose Report from Follow up menu Click View Report to review Survey Results Click Mark Bldg Cmp to submit
Step 8. CEPD Administrators release follow-up by May 2, 2008
Step 9. Review results Shipment (CD) to CEPD Administrators week of September 1, 2008 State level reports – OCTE web site – Data Evaluations and Reports link, Follow-up Survey.