Table 12.1 Types of receptors (1 of 2)
Table 12.1 Types of receptors (2 of 2)
Figure 15.1a The eye and associated accessory structures. Site where conjunctiva merges with cornea Iris Pupil Sclera (covered by conjunctiva) (a) Surface anatomy of the right eye
Figure 15.1b The eye and associated accessory structures. Palpebral conjunctiva Cornea Bulbar conjunctiva (b) Lateral view; some structures shown in sagittal section
Figure 15.2 The lacrimal apparatus. Lacrimal sac Lacrimal gland Excretory ducts of lacrimal glands Lacrimal punctum Lacrimal canaliculus Nasolacrimal duct Inferior meatus of nasal cavity Nostril
Figure 12.14 Structure of the eye.
Figure 12.14 Structure of the eye.
Figure 15.6b Microscopic anatomy of the retina. Photoreceptors Bipolar cells Ganglion cells • Rod • Cone Pathway of signal output Pigmented layer of retina Pathway of light (b) Cells of the neural layer of the retina
Figure 15.6c Microscopic anatomy of the retina. Choroid Outer segments of rods and cones Nuclei of ganglion cells Nuclei of bipolar cells Axons of ganglion cells Nuclei of rods and cones Pigmented layer of retina (c) Photomicrograph of retina
Figure 12.9 Structure of the human ear.
Figure 12.9 Structure of the human ear.
Figure 12.10a Structure and function of the cochlea.
Figure 12.10b Structure and function of the cochlea.
Figure 12.10b Structure and function of the cochlea.
Figure 12.10c Structure and function of the cochlea.
Figure 12.10c Structure and function of the cochlea.
Figure 12.10d Structure and function of the cochlea.
Figure 12.10d Structure and function of the cochlea.
Figure 12.11 How hair cells function as mechanoreceptors.
Table 12.2 Common noises and your hearing