Pectoralis Minor Screening- push down on shoulder
Pectoralis Major Focus is on coracoid Focus on sternal head Focus on ribs Bring arm down to side & raise up until hit tight spot
Pectoralis Minor & Major They can focus on 3 specific areas by moving arm up the wall Palpate during screen or self- stretch to find area of most tension…
Screening for Latissimus & Pectoralis …like so!
Latissimus Dorsi Typical picture= pain in lower thoracic & arms internally rotated Screen by pulling arms back
Latissimus Dorsi Bend arm at 45 degree angle to externally rotate arm Have their elbows touch to get external rotation
Deep Neck Flexors Say: “Look at your toes!” Want to see the chin tuck first!
Cervical Flexion Test If weak, the SCM will contract first & their chin will jut out
Retraining Neck Flexors Hold chin down Push head into table Both plus push scapulas together to help
Scapular Weakness Arms overhead…are scapulas coming together?
Scapular Weakness Pick one arm up & the other wings out = rhomboid weakness
Scapular Retraining Stretches pecs and contracts rhomboids & lower trapezius Squeeze scapulas together with arms up
Scapular Retraining Chin tuck + squeezing scapulas together