IT as a Tool to Provide Seamless Access to Diverse Data Sets By Tim Ahern Program Manager Data Management System The IRIS Consortium By Tim Ahern Program Manager Data Management System The IRIS Consortium
Information Technology at IRIS Diverse Data Holdings of IRIS Real Time Communications Systems Streaming data Automated Quality Assurance Data Mining Opportunities Distributed Technologies CORBA Web Services Diverse Data Holdings of IRIS Real Time Communications Systems Streaming data Automated Quality Assurance Data Mining Opportunities Distributed Technologies CORBA Web Services
Types of Data Managed at the IRIS DMC 25 distinct data types
Types of Sensor Data IRIS Manages: 25 distinct types Seismological Broadband Seismometers Strong Motion Buildings Structures Free Field Geophones Hydrophones Geophysical Magnetotelluric Magnetometer Electric Field Strainmeter dilatational tensor Tidal Pendulum Gravimeter conventional superconducting Tiltmeter Creep Meters Seismological Broadband Seismometers Strong Motion Buildings Structures Free Field Geophones Hydrophones Geophysical Magnetotelluric Magnetometer Electric Field Strainmeter dilatational tensor Tidal Pendulum Gravimeter conventional superconducting Tiltmeter Creep Meters Meteorological Wind Speed Wind Direction Temperature Humidity Rain Gauge Solar Radiaton Insolation/ Pyranometer Microbarograph Relative/Absolute Infrasound Microphones Hydrological Water Current Depth Temperature Water Level EarthScope USArray PBO SAFOD
More than 5,000 seismic stations have data available through the IRIS DMC
The Time Span of IRIS Data Permanent Networks current Temporary Networks current Targets of Opportunity current
Shipments from the IRIS DMC: A very active archive 220,000 customized shipments35,000 on-line shipments 10 terabytes of observational data0.5 billion seismograms (16 per second)
Telemetry Data Reception and Distribution in Real Time Improved quality with reduced costs
MB LB US UW UO XXSCER UU AR PR PE ET CC WY NM RE IW IE The Buffer of Uniform Data (51) BUD Buffer of Uniform Data LISS (3) SEEDLink (5) MNGE PBO CH NL Antelope ORB (24) H2 IC IU PN II KN LD CI NN AK AZ KZ IM GT AU CD-1 EQ MY BK FA TW TA BB Array ER NP LI CZ AT Earthworm Waveserver (19)
Automated Quality Control
Distributed Data Access CORBA Web Services CORBA Web Services
Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) GEOSS 10 Year Reference Document (p. 135) Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) Electronic Business Extensible Markup Language (ebXML) Unified Modeling Language (UML) GEOSS 10 Year Reference Document (p. 135) Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) Electronic Business Extensible Markup Language (ebXML) Unified Modeling Language (UML) “GEOSS service definitions are to specify precisely the syntax and semantics of all data elements exchanged at the Service interface, and fully describe how systems interact at the interface. At present, the systems interoperating in GEOSS should use any one of four open standard ways to describe service interfaces: CORBA, Common Object Request Broker Architecture; WSDL, Web Services Definition Language; ebXML, electronic business Extensible Markup Language, or UML, Unified Modeling Language.”
Access to Distributed Data Centers: Using Standardized CORBA Interfaces Network Waveforms Events DHI Data Center DHI Clients VASE jWEED Network Waveforms Events DHI Data Center Network Waveforms Events DHI Data Center Network Waveforms Events DHI Data Center IDL
Seamless Access to Distributed Centers
jWEED A Seismologically savvy DHI Client
jWEED rapid access to event based data
Initial Web Services Implementation Events Network Waveforms WS Server WS Client DHI Client Apache Axis
IRIS, FDSN and GEOSS: Connections ready to be made Mature System Access to vast amounts of data from a variety of globally distributed sensors from more than 50 operating networks Real time access Archive access Automated Quality Control Efficiency and high quality Actively Used System GEOSS sanctioned CORBA Web Services Mature System Access to vast amounts of data from a variety of globally distributed sensors from more than 50 operating networks Real time access Archive access Automated Quality Control Efficiency and high quality Actively Used System GEOSS sanctioned CORBA Web Services Data Center Data Center Data Center FDSN GEOSS