A year at Woodheys Year 5 Tiago L
Introduction Woodheys is a great school it has a lot of fun activities like the astro, adventure trail and lots others.
Robin wood In year 5 you go to Robin Wood for 3 days and 2 nights it is full of activities like the Knights Quest, the Giant Swing and archery. You get really nice food.
Pop Connection Pop connection happens to different schools, at the end of it you do a show. The best songs are “Stop” and “Medley” which is a mix of “We will rock you, everybody in love and umbrella.”
Golden Time Golden Time happens every FRIDAY! You get to pick what ever you do for 30 mins without any lessons. But the bad thing is you can lose it.
Friends There are a lot friendly people at Woodheys, there are a lot of people to be friends with. They will never give up on you.