The American South: Race and King Cotton
Slavery and Economic Growth Cotton as a National Economy source of national income source of national capital source of national growth Cotton as a National Economy source of national income source of national capital source of national growth
Cotton and American Income Major US export Major US income source Averages 2/3 of all US export earnings. Major US export Major US income source Averages 2/3 of all US export earnings.
Travel time 1820 = 2 days = 3days =5 days =1 week =3 week
Travel Time 1850 = 2 days = 3days =5 days =1 week =3 week
Canal System Demand labor Facilitate trade Promote industry
Canal System Demand labor Facilitate trade Promote industry
Immigration Chart in 1,000 s
Cities in 1820
Cities 1860
Slavery 1820
Slavery 1860
Slavery 1850
Slavery 1860
Slave Ownership
Rural expansion
Johnson v. Macintosh only US. gov. can buy Indian land limited sales rights only US. gov. can buy Indian land limited sales rights
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia Divided into 5 counties not a fully sovereign nation “Domestic Dependent Nation, –Guard-Ward relationship –paternalism v. maternalism Divided into 5 counties not a fully sovereign nation “Domestic Dependent Nation, –Guard-Ward relationship –paternalism v. maternalism
Worcester v. Georgia unlicensed missionary state’s limited power to regulate on Reservations unlicensed missionary state’s limited power to regulate on Reservations
Indian Removal Clearing the Land Andrew Jackson Indian Removal Act 1830 Clearing the Land Andrew Jackson Indian Removal Act 1830
Choctaw Removal Choctaw: 1830 T. of Dancing Rabbit Creek
Creek Land loss Creek: 1836 Militarily removed
Chicasaw and Cherokee Chicasaw: 1837 land sale Cherokee: 1838 militarily removed Chicasaw: 1837 land sale Cherokee: 1838 militarily removed
Trail of Tears
Indian Cessions