Middle School Rocks! As long as you know the right stuff. By: AUBREY SESSIONS
Language Arts and AR You've had language arts for as long as you remember. In middle school, it doesn't change, just do what the teacher says, and your good to go. Ahhhhh, Accelerated Reader. IT stays the SAME!
MATH AND AM Same with language arts, you've had it ever since kindergarten. Just pay attention and try not to miss any days (the more days you miss, the more behind you get). A-Math, its the same as AR. Just do it.
Social Studies Social studies is a very easy subject. In social studies, you study different countries and continents. Sixth grade social studies is when all the REAL projects come in to play. I'm talking about the power points, papers, models and that sort of stuff.
Science Another subject where all projects come into play. In sixth grade science the subjects have to do with planets, minerals, earths creation (theres going to be a little bit of debate on the creation of earth, due to religion).
Lunch! PACK YOUR LUNCH!!! THE SCHOOL CAFETERIA FOOD IS ABSOLUTLY DIGUSTING!!! If you do take a chance to eat the schools food...make sure its all packaged correctly!! This is for your safety!!
Lockers Bottom lockers your screwed (bring a helmet) Top Lockers try as hard as possible to get a top locker. Books that weigh three pounds don't feel good when they hit you on the head.
Bathroom The school bathrooms are very nice now. They got redone about 2 years ago. So they are fairly new. Just make sure that you get there first.
Exploratories Gym Art Music Computers French Dance
Clubs Sports Drama National Junior Honor Society Quiz Bowl Math Counts Yearbook History Bowl (8 th grade only) AG Student Council
Sports Foot ball Track Basket ball Softball Baseball Golf
Busses There are two runs when it comes to busses. First run is when you get home earlier, Which comes in handy when you have after school activities. Most busses have assigned seats...not fun.
Field Trips As long as you behave yourself, field trips are fun...lots of fun.
MY FAVORITE MEMORY When I was in 6 th grade, we went on a field trip to the Swing Zone. I Made some new friends (who were 8 th graders, I thought I was so cool). I still have some of those friends to today.
My final words... Dont get caught up in boys until 7 th grade... DO NOT START RUMORS Make sure your friends are real... REMEMBER THIS: Its not about the quantity of friends...you may have 100, but how many of them are true friends. You may have one true friend that you can trust...you never know. Oh yea, and don't let friends control you.