Bad habits
Habit: it is an action or condition which by repetition had become spontaneous Habit: it is an action or condition which by repetition had become spontaneous
Oral bad habits 1. Thumb sucking 2. Mouth breathing 3. Lip biting 4. Tongue thrust
It decrease with increase in age It is less with bottle feeding than glass feeding It increase with increasing no. of siblings More frequnt in high socioeconomic status
What is the effect of habit on occlusion between the age of 6 mo yr.
Thumb sucking Production of negative or reduced intra oral pressure The pattern of sucking is different some children put the thumb only others put thumb and tongue between teeth
What is the treatment
Determinant factors of habit on occlusion Duration Duration Frequency Frequency Intensity Intensity
Duration At which age the child get the habit The time spent by the child to do the habit
Frequency How many times the patient put his thumb in his mouth per day (day, night, both)
Intensity The force used during the sucking habit The force used during the sucking habit
Treatment of bad habits Clinical examination 1.Type of malocclusion 2.finger
Types of malocclusions associated with oral habits
Digit examination Clean Larger in dimension callous
Don ’ t ask the patient if he sucks his finger or no The question should be The question should be How many times you suck ?
Timing of treatment In deciduous dentition?
Treatment Mouth breather