Amra Bent Rawaha Sec. School Presented by: Mrs/ Mona Abdullah H.O.D: Asmaa Alotaibi E.L.T Supervisor :Samah Said Headmistress: Hamdah Alenezi
1) evaluate your reading abilities.( WPM ) 2) identify poor reading habits and how to break them. 3) read faster, understand better, and remember more. By the end of this workshop, you should be able to : 4) organize your own reading club at school.
Would you rather…………………..? have a rewind button in your life? have a pause button in your life? Or
Would you rather…………………..? be able to control your dreams? be able to watch your dreams on video the next day? Or
Have you ever evaluated your reading abilities? How fast do you currently read?
( WPM ) Words you read per a minute.
Online test Let’s get started ! Go !
Sites for online speed reading tests. Speed Reading test online
- Click the “ Start button “ and start reading. - Don’t go any faster than you normally read because you are going to be tested for your comprehension. - Click the “ stop button “ as soon as you have finished. - Write down your reading speed and click comprehension test please. Instructions:
What’s the difference between comprehension and retention?
It is what you understand while you are reading the material. Comprehension:- Retention:- It is what you remember after you have already gained comprehension.
How can you get better comprehension?
“Slow reading leads to better comprehension.” Comment. It’s a false belief. Slow reading is a sign of poor concentration not of better comprehension.
If you examine a text word by word, you can’t focus on the bigger picture ( i e, the story, the article, etc..) and you miss information. If you read more at a time and at higher speed, you can understand and appreciate more of what the author has to say.
Look at this picture, What can you see ?
A tree Your brain is naturally focusing on the whole picture, you don’t focus on leaves or some parts of the tree. You just comprehend the whole thing.
Let’s do this exercise. Can you trust your brain abilities?
Wtih the phneoemnal pweor of the hmuan mnid, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod aeappr ; the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteers be in the rghit pclaes. The rset can be a taotl mses. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig, huh ? Are you able to read this? With the phenomenal power of the human mind, it doesn’t matter in what order the letters in a word appear ; the only important thing is that the first and last letters be in the right places. The rest can be a total mess, and you can still read it without a problem. This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself but the word as a whole. Amazing, huh ?
What obstacles can hinder your reading speed?
“Three old reading habits”
1 ) Fixation What does fixation mean?
It’s the habit of fixating your eyes on every single word on the page. It’s how we were originally taught to read.It was suitable for us as beginners but now it doesn’t match our needs as adults.
How can we break this bad habit? “ Chunking technique “
Explaining Chunking Groups of words have more contextual meaning than single words.
The dog chased after the cat. They ran around town all day long, and never stopped chasing after one another.
2 ) Regression What does it mean? It’s the habit of going back and re-reading passages that have already been read.
How bad is that? The average person spends a third of their reading time going back and re-reading materials. ( 20min / hour )
How can we break this bad habit? Using your hand as a pointer to guide your eyes to move along with your hand. Improve your concentration.
3 ) Sub-vocalization What does it mean? It’s the habit of sounding out words in your head as you read.It’s how we were originally taught to read.
Why is this a problem ? Because you don’t need to say a word in your head to understand what it means. The brain can recognize and comprehend words the moment they become part of the visual fields.
Ex. :- Do you sound out the word “ stop “ in your head to understand its meaning?
How bad is that? When you read words aloud in your head, there are two things going on in your brain. Part of your brain is trying to comprehend the text, the main ideas and the details, while another part of your brain is focusing on pronouncing the words. So, this can’t help understanding any better.
How can we break this habit? You can simply stop it when it happens. * You can try using counting 1, 2, 3 * Use your hand to force yourself read faster when it’s impossible to sub-vocalize.
Now you can find your way to “ Speed Reading”
What’s “ Speed Reading” ? - Simply, it means trained eyes and trained mind working together at peak performance. - You need to increase your eyes’ speed in picking up words and communicating them to the brain. - You need to train your brain to be active recipient and processor of information.
Speed Reading Exercise
How to train your brain? Look at the chart below, try to read the colour of Ink of the words, not the words as printed. Try to read them fast!
What’s the importance of Speed Reading? 1) To read anything you choose at 2-5 times faster. 2) To better concentrate and understand what you read while you read it. 3) To improve your memory. 4) To find solutions for the problem of reading overload.
Speed Comprehension Retention Read faster Understand better Remember more
1) Really think about if anyone at your school would join. 2) Contact the school administration for permission. 3) Find a teacher or parent to supervise. 4) Compose a list of books that you want to read.
5) Think of a time to meet ( an hour a week). 6) Play games and do activities that are related to the books you are reading.
8) Establish some rules. Make sure that this isn’t just a social hour, it’s a book club. 9) After the meeting, make sure that they know when the next one is.
1) The Merchant of Venice By William Shakespeare. 2) Great Expectations By Charles Dickens. 3) King Lear By William Shakespeare. 4) The adventures of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain. 5) David Copperfield By Charles Dickens.
6) A Little Princess By Frances Hodgson Burnett. 7) Macbeth By William Shakespeare. 8) Gulliver's travels By Jonathan Swift. 9) The monkey’s paw W.W.Jacobs. 10) Henry V By William Shakespeare.
- What book am I? Some Games and activities from our reading club - Writing some letters to your favourite characters. - Visualization.