Extending SISO LSA philosophy to real world challenges 08/02/2012 Extending SISO LSA philosophy to real world challenges CITIUS PROJECT : USING LSA TO PROVIDE A COMMON SIMULATION PLATFORM FOR C2 & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS Jose-Ramon Martinez-Salio jrmartinez@nads.es Jose-Maria Lopez-Rodriguez jmlopez@nads.es 14F-SIW-049
What is CITIUS?
CITIUS is a R&D project made by a Spaniard consortium 08/02/2012 CITIUS is a R&D project made by a Spaniard consortium Citius is a R&D Project, lead by Spanish naval shipyard and system integrator, Navantia, and in which we are leading the simulation work-package. Preliminary studies were performed by Navantia and NADS during 2012, based on our collaboration in simulation and training activities since 2006. These studies were the base to the construction of an Integrated Project Team, incorporating other companies actually involved in the development of the naval combat systems that Navantia is providing to the Spanish Navy, for Surface ships and also for submarines.
08/02/2012 Project in Brief THE PROBLEM Future NAVAL OPS will be be NET-CENTRIC, integrating C2, ROBOTICS and SIMULATION A SCALABLE and MODULAR architecture is demanded M&S must be seamless INTEGRATED with operational systems. THE SOLUTION Develop an OPEN System of System ARCHITECTURE fully based on standards. Provide SEAMLESS INTEROPERABILITY between C2, robotics and simulation systems. Build your SIMULATIONS AS SERVICES available in the Network. CASE IN POINT CITIUS, a consortium of Spanish companies, lead by Navantia, is working together to improve interoperability for Net-Centric Naval operations. CITIUS improves interoperability by providing a common platform for C2, simulations and robotics systems. What is the purpose of this Project? Navantia is starting to work in her next generation of naval combat systems, which will be integrated in the next generation frigate, who should be operational in next decade. This new ship is based on a NetCentric CONOPS, demanding a very flexible and modular architecture for her combat system, that can interoperate without efforts with many other systems. Of course seamless integration with robotics systems is a request. In order to speed up development times, reduce integration efforts and improve training, a request for a seamless integration of the simulation systems is a must. M&S assets must be part of a more complex System of Systems architecture, in which C2, robotics and simulations must be integrated without efforts in many different ways, as I will show you in this presentation later.
Net-Centric SoS life Cycle? 08/02/2012 CITIUS challenges Sim Asset UAS How to do Command & Control of Unmanned vehicles? How to embed M&S into operational systems? Sim Asset CMS How to interoperate everything? CMS Citius presents many challenges to the state of the art in interoperability between operational systems and between these and simulation systems: How we are going to be able to interoperate heterogeneus systems, made by different providers? How we are going to be able to manage from a console in the combat system an autonomous system, for which we don’t know now his specification? How can I go to a SoS architecture, valid for integration of any kind of system, Real or Simulated? How can I leverage simulations to speed up development and integration times? How can I embed simulation assets into an operational system for virtual prototyping and testing? UAS How to integrate M&S in Net-Centric SoS life Cycle?
SOLUTION: CONVERGING MULTIPLE STANDARDS IN ONE ARCHITECTURE 08/02/2012 SOLUTION: CONVERGING MULTIPLE STANDARDS IN ONE ARCHITECTURE CITIUS is developing an Open Net-Centric architecture based on: C-BML and MSDL to command and control of robotics and M&S systems JAUS architecture for robotics systems and to interoperate robotics and M&S DDS as interoperable data exchange mechanism DIS and HLA to interoperate with simulation systems SCORM to interoperate with Training Management Systems Naval CMS Sim assets UV GCS UV CITIUS ARCHITECTURE The answer to these questions it is in the architecture: Citius leverages standards, already implemented and new ones. Citius is based only on standards to interoperate C2,robotics and simulation systems. The frontier of simulation and operational standards is erased here. We don’t talk about a sim std or an operational one, we use the best standard for each application. As examples: standards designed for robotics as JAUS are also used by the simulations and others as C-BML or MSDL, designed in origin for interoperability between C2 and sim systems, are used also to integrate the combat system and the control stations of the robots, as we will see now. And this is a very important point: we cannot still be talking about standards for simulation and for the operational systems. Here, in SISO, we have been discussing a lot in recent years about simulation versus operational standards. In my point of view this discussion is already obsolete: Net-Centric concepts of operation and SoS architectures request to use standards, just it. Systems must use the best available standard to their requirements in order to be built and to interoperate. Of course features and services required by each type of solutions can be wide different and because of that different standards must exist, but something must provide the “glue” between the standards in order to improve interoperability and make possible SoS architectures. SISO LSA OMG DDS IEEE HLA IEEE DIS OMG DDSI SCORM C-BML MSDL JAUS
Citius Architecture Simulated Sensors DDS CMS Network DDS 08/02/2012 Citius Architecture #include "SimwareLab_dataTypes.idl" #include "SimwareLab_SelectedAttr.idl" module SimwareLab{ //@ncware attribute fullName "HLAobjectRoot.DatosEntidad.JAUSCommunication.VehicleControlStatus" //@ncware kind objectClass //@ncware attribute name "VehicleControlStatus" //@ncware attribute nameNotes "NA" //@ncware attribute semantics "NA" //@ncware attribute sharing "Publish" struct VehicleControlStatus { unsigned long ncwareKey; //@ncware attribute fullName "HLAobjectRoot" //@ncware kind attribute //@ncware attribute dataType "Unsigned32" //@ncware attribute keys "DataId" //@ncware attribute name "DataId" //@ncware attribute ownership "NoTransfer" //@ncware attribute publishers "_NULL_" //@ncware attribute semantics "_NULL_" //@ncware attribute sharing "PublishSubscribe" //@ncware attribute subscribers "_NULL_" //@ncware attribute transportation "HLAbestEffort" //@ncware attribute updateCondition "NA" CMS Network Simulated Sensors DDS DDS Real Sensor Adaptor CMS-Sim <objectClass name="JAUSCommunication" nameNotes="NA" semantics="NA" sharing="Neither"> <objectClass name="HeartBeat" nameNotes="NA" semantics="NA" sharing="Subscribe"> <attribute dataType="JAUSheartbeatStruct" keys="_NULL_" name="info" ownership="NoTransfer" publishers="JAUS" semantics="Exp16" sharing="PublishSubscribe" subscribers="UAV,USV,UGV" updateType="NA"/> </objectClass> <objectClass name="VehicleControlStatus" nameNotes="NA" semantics="NA" sharing="Publish"> <attribute dataType="JAUScontrolStatusStruct" keys="_NULL_" name="controlInfo" ownership="NoTransfer" publishers="UAV,USV,UGV" semantics="NA" sharing="PublishSubscribe" subscribers="JAUS" updateType="NA"/> ICD DDS DIS DDS DDS C-BML CMS Consoles MSDL / C-BML Simulation Network C-BML GCSs UxV HLA DDS GCS UxV JAUS In this figure, you can see in more detail how the different systems in Citius “talk” each other. For example the combat system is going to use MSDL to initialize a simulation exercise, providing a XML file with the initial conditions for the exercise, as you can see in the template. Simulation Manager is going to use a HLA datamodel used by our platform Simware, to manage the simulation providing a common management datamodel to every Publisher and subscriber in the simulation network. Translation to DDS topics is transparent to the user. Another example it is how to map JAUS messages with simulation datamodels. In this case you can see an example of how JAUS events and objects are translated to HLA datamodels and how Simware translate these datamodels to DDS topics. Simulated UxVs JAUS / Datalink Operational Scenario UxVs DDS Simulated Sensor Simulation Data Flows Operational Data Flows
Simulated Radar Tracks 08/02/2012 CITIUS leverages a common simulation platform for CD&E and Training C2 systems Autonomous systems Comp #1 Comp#2 Combat System Control Station Simulated Radar Tracks Comp#3 Comp#4 SIMULATION PLATFORM Electrical System Radar Simulation Hydro Dynamics Atmospherics UAS SIMULATOR Radar Simulation Using this architecture, Citius is able to leverage a common simulation platform to every stage of the life cycle of the SoS. Some examples: While integrating the CMS with the Naval robotic system, the control station is available but the real drone doesn’t. In this case a virtual prototype of the real naval drone is provided with a simulation in order to start the integration and avoid delays. when this integration is completed, the real drone arrives, but without some of his sensors: for example the radar. In this case, a simulated radar must be integrated as a virtual sensor into the real platform. Because we don’t have a ral radar, simulated tracks must be also provided, for example using an HLA federate, like Stage or VrForces. When we are doing the testing at a system level, scalability tests can be performed, combining virtual and real drones in the same testing scenario. Same simulation assets will be employed in this case. When training, the same infrastructure would be used, with some advantages: LVC Simulation is already available, out-of-the-box, without any changes. We can use real equipment to enhance user experience, using the control stations and consoles of the combat systems as Human-Machine interfaces in the training sessions. C2 Integ C2-UAS Integ Training SoS Testing
Citius and SISO LSA
A quick introduction to SISO LSA (Layered Simulation Architecture) TENA DIS HLA SISO Study Group working on the final report Looking for convergence of multiple standards in a common platform Going to a pure Data-Centric architecture leveraging OMG DDS std. 10
CITIUS as a proof of concept of LSA JAUS Jaus Gwty UAS Real Assets Control Station Robotics Systems UAS Sim Assets UAS Sim Asset Server Terrain Atmos effects Common Services DIS Eng Sim DIS Bridge DIS Sim HLA HLA Gwty HLA CGF Tactical Scenario Common simulation services DDS Simulation Network C-BML / MSDL broker C-BML Gtwy CMS consoles Adaptor Naval Combat System
Join us in our LSA meeting Forum West 2. Tuesday 08.00am To know more about SISO LSA … Join us in our LSA meeting Forum West 2. Tuesday 08.00am http://www.simware.es/index.php/lsa-sg-and-simware http://www.sisostds.org/StandardsActivities/StudyGroups/ http://www.slideshare.net/jrmses/ http://www.slideshare.net/jmlopezrodriguez/
Jose-Ramon Martinez jrmartinez@nads.es Jose-Maria Lopez The Easy Way to Real Time Distributed Simulation Jose-Ramon Martinez jrmartinez@nads.es Jose-Maria Lopez jmlopez@nads.es