The Secret Life of Walter Mitty James Thurber [Am.]
OUTLINE Theme Walter Mitty SummaryFantasyContrastAuthor
1. About the Author Born Died Occupation Nationality Period Genres Subjects Notable works December 8, 1894 Columbus, Ohio November 2, 1961 (aged 66) New York, New York Humorist American short stories, cartoons, essays humor, language My Life and Hard Times, My World - And Welcome to It James Grover Thurber Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
2. Walter Mitty An ordinary, often ineffectual person who indulges in fantastic daydreams of personal triumphs. 做白日梦的人,有幻想症的人,整天幻想的人: 一个平庸的、经常是徒劳无益的人,常沉溺于美 妙的有关个人成就的白日梦中
3. Plot Summary The short story deals with a vague and mild- mannered man who drives into Waterbury, Connecticut, with his wife for their regular weekly shopping and his wife's visit to the beauty parlor. During this time he has five heroic daydream episodes. Next-page Details Next-page Details
4. Five Daydreams InterruptionInspiration Gloves Episodes Driving Yelling A surgeon Parking End Striking News Liberty An crack shot A captain A war hero Buying A commander Smoking
5. Fantasy vs. Reality In daydreams a great commander a first-rate doctor a crack shot a brave solider who could fly a bomber alone a war hero who was sentenced to death In reality forgetful incapable submissive to his wife disrespected and scorned by others absent-minded good-for nothing
6. The Theme Fantasy and reality : escapist and mundane Success and failure : calmness and courage