Chapter 6 Subset of Overview by Gender GAIN Coordinating Center (11/21/2012). Normal, IL: Chestnut Health Systems. November Available from Created for: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) under contract number
2 SAMHSA/CSAT Full GAIN Outcome Data Set Sample: The 2011 SAMHSA/CSAT data set includes data on 29,782 clients from 230 local evaluations, recruited between who were due for at least one follow-up and available in the last quarterly data set of Levels of Care: Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient, Short-term & Moderate/Long-term Residential, Corrections-Based Treatment and Post-Treatment Continuing Care Instrument:Global Appraisal of Individual Needs (GAIN) (see Versions 3 (CYT & ATM) and 5.1 through Follow-up:89% with one or more follow-ups at 3, 6, 9 & 12 months post intake, and 66% with two or more Funding: SAMHSA/CSAT contracts and and 230 individual grants (see Detailed Acknowledgement)
3 Gender Males 73% (n=21,599) Females 27% (n= 8,172) Other 0.03% (n=10) SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,781)
4 Risk and Protective Factors by Gender The following slides present information on demographics, and risk and protective factors by different age groups for clients at intake, including: Demographics Substance use Risk behaviors Victimization Mental health disorders Physical health problems Crime and violence Sources of stress and strengths Costs Summary indices (problem prevalence, quality of life, general satisfaction) Non-client characteristics (program, level of care, and type of treatment)
5 Age by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,771)
6 Race by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,757)
7 Risk of Homelessness by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,635)
8 Past Year Substance Severity by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,348)
9 Primary Substance by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=27,706)
10 Number of Substance Problems by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=27,706)
11 Tobacco Diagnosis by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=27,373)
12 HIV Risk Scale* by Gender * Available at intake only. SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,735)
13 HIV Risk Change Index* by Gender *Can be used to measure change. SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=26,824)
14 Number of Sex Partners* by Gender *In the past 90 days SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=28,740)
15 Severity of Victimization by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,490)
16 Mental Health Disorders by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,673)
17 Homicidal/Suicidal Thoughts by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,458)
18 Health Problems by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,467)
19 Health Care Utilization Cost* by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=28,471) *Using 2011 Dollars
20 Crime & Violence by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,692)
21 Type of Crime by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,366) * Violent crime includes assault, rape, murder, and arson. ** Other crime includes vandalism, possession of stolen goods, forgery, and theft.
22 Cost of Crime* by Gender *Using 2011 Dollars SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=27,394)
23 Intensity of Justice System Involvement by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,606)
24 Count of Major Clinical Problems* at Intake by Gender *Based on count of self reporting criteria to suggest alcohol, cannabis, or other drug disorder, depression, anxiety, trauma, suicide, ADHD, CD, victimization, violence/ illegal activity SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,771)
25 Sources of Stress Index by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=12,588)
26 Treatment Readiness by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=28,334)
27 Self-Help Activities by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=8,340)
28 Strength Self-Efficacy Index by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=12,762)
29 General Social Support Index by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=14,713)
30 Spiritual Social Support by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=12,472)
31 Environmental Strengths Index by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=27,614)
32 Quarterly Cost to Society* by Gender *Using 2011 Dollars SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=26,681)
33 Problem Prevalence Index by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=27,595)
34 Quality of Life by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=22,116)
35 General Satisfaction by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=12,277)
36 Program by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,771)
37 Level of Care by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=29,738)
38 Type of Treatment by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN Summary Analytic Data Set (n=28,869)
39 Outcomes The following slides present information on the outcomes of substance abuse treatment by gender, including: Abstinence Recovery GPRA outcomes (vocationally engaged, housed, no justice system involvement, social consequences, abstinence, and social connectedness) and NOMS outcomes (treatment initiation, engagement and continuing care; no problems with: health, mental health, family, illegal activity; abstinent, vocationally engaged and housed). Data on follow up rates, months to last follow up, and number of follow ups per client are provided in the Methods Appendix.Methods Appendix
40 Percent Change in 6 Month Abstinence by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN SA Data Set subset to 6 Month Follow up (n=20,173)
41 Relative Percent Change in 6 Month Abstinence by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN SA Data Set subset to 6 Month Follow up (n=20,173)
42 Past Month AOD Abstinence by Gender *Interpolated SAMHSA 2011 GAIN SA Data Set subset to 1+ Follow ups
43 Recovery* by Gender * Recovery defined as no past month use, abuse, or dependence symptoms while living in the community. SAMHSA 2011 GAIN SA Data Set subset to 1+ Follow ups **Interpolated
44 Change in GPRA Outcomes by Gender (Intake to Last Wave*) *Last wave is the last follow-up Male Female SAMHSA 2011 GAIN SA Data Set subset to 1+ Follow ups
45 NOMS Outcome: Number of Treatment Received Outcomes Met* by Gender *Based on a count of initiation within 14 days, evidence based practice, engagement for at least 6 weeks, and any continuing care. SAMHSA 2011 GAIN SA Data Set subset to 1+ Follow ups (n=24,610)
46 SAMHSA Outcome: Treatment Cost Bands by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN SA Data Set subset to 1+ Follow ups (n=17,847)
47 Change in Selected NOMS Outcomes by Gender (Intake to Last Wave) Male Female *Past month SAMHSA 2011 GAIN SA Data Set subset to 1+ Follow ups
48 NOMS Outcomes: Count of Positive Outcomes (Last FU–Intake) by Gender SAMHSA 2011 GAIN SA Data Set subset to 1+ Follow ups (n=25,498)