Chapter 1 fifth grade social studies
theory: A possible explanation
migration: the movement of people
technology: the use of scientific knowledge or tools to make or do something
agriculture: farming
civilization a culture that usually has cities and well developed forms of government, religion, and learning
diversity great differences among the people
confederation a loose group of governments working together
cause an event or an action that makes something else happen
effect something that happens as a result of an event or action
navigation the study or act of planning and controlling the course of a ship
expedition a journey
conquistador an explorer or soldier sent by Spain to conquer and claim large areas of North and South America
empire a conquered land of many people and places governed by one ruler
colony a settlement ruled by another country
missionary A person sent out by a church to spread its religion
mission A small religious settlement
slavery The practice of holding people against their will and making them carry out orders
legislature The lawmaking branch of a government
absolute location The exact location of any place on Earth
lines of latitude Lines that run east and west on a map or globe
parallels lines of latitude
lines of longitude lines that run north and south on a map or globe
meridians lines of longitude
prime meridian the meridian marked 0 degrees and that runs north and south through Greenwich, England
charter an official paper in which certain rights are given by a government to a person or business
constitution a plan of government
proprietary colony a colony owned and ruled by one person
trial by jury the judging of a person accused of a crime by a jury of fellow citizens
immigrant a person from one country who comes to live in another country
import a product brought in from another country
cash crop a crop that is grown to be sold
royal colony a colony ruled directly by a monarch
indentured servant a person who agreed to work for another person for a certain length of time in exchange for passage to North America
revolution a sudden, complete change, such as the overthrow of a government
representation the action of having someone speaking for another
boycott the refusal to buy certain goods
declaration an official statement
competition the contest among companies to get the most customers or sell the most goods
independence the freedom to govern on one’s own
treaty an agreement between countries