TPB Community Leadership Institute Pilot Sessions, April 26 & 29, 2006 Report to The Transportation Planning Board May 17, 2006
Purpose of the Pilot Help community leaders learn how to get involved more effectively in transportation decision making. Help the TPB reach out to communities and groups that have not typically been involved in our process The Institute was designed to educate, not as a vehicle to get input.
Who came? 20 participants Community leaders representing organizations Not already active with the TPB Participants mostly nominated by TPB members –“Listening Sessions” were conducted with TPB members to get support and nominations. Represented the region’s diversity
Who organized? TPB staff Consultants –Academy for Leadership Foundation at the University of Maryland, led by Peter Shapiro –Fitzgerald & Halliday –Renaissance Planning
Workshop Program Wednesday, 6-9 pm “What’s the Problem?” Opening session focused on the complexity of: –Regional transportation challenges, and –The transportation decision-making processes TPB Chair Mike Knapp speaking at the opening session
Simulated the complexity of transportation decision-making. The Pyramid Exercise
Simulated the complexity of transportation decision-making. The Pyramid Exercise
–Presentation: Regional transportation and land use challenges –Participant game: Small groups developed their own scenarios –Presentation: Scenarios from the Regional Mobility and Accessibility Study Workshop Program Saturday, 9 am – 12 pm What if…? The Transportation/Land Use Connection
Land Use/Transportation Game Participants created their own scenarios to address regional challenges.
Part I: The Process –Presentation based on the TPB Citizens Guide Workshop Program Saturday, 12-2 pm Part II: Real-World Examples - Bi-County Transitway - Woodrow Wilson Bridge - New York Avenue Metro Station - Beltway HOT Lanes Transportation Project Development
Guiding Approach Interactive/experiential learning methods Expert facilitation by Peter Shapiro Not focused on process or technical details Used material already developed by TPB staff: –“What if” scenario presentation –Citizens Guide
Participant Comments “It made me more aware of how regional decisions are made and the complex nature of the decisions.” “Thank you for reaching out to us and empowering us for action!!!” “ A lot of info was covered… but it didn’t come across as information overload.” “Well planned, well run, and informative.” Some requests for more information on: –”parkland, agricultural preserves… places off the radar for development.” –“how affordable housing will factor into TOD.” –“more interactions with policymakers.” Followup requested: –Maintain contact with participants –Conduct workshops in their communities
Lessons Learned Why was the pilot successful? Good participants Dynamic curriculum - Right combination of presentations and activities Extensive preparation Diversity
Next Steps Report to the TPB and CAC in May. Preliminary recommendations: –Do it again at COG: Repeat next Spring –Take it on the road: Distill materials and curriculum for use in shorter workshops (3 hours) around the region. Maintain and utilize contact with participants.
For more information: Visit: –All the presentations from the Institute are posted at this site. Contact John Swanson at or