European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) Villafranca del Castillo, MADRID (SPAIN) Aurélien Stébé Registry and Curation, Oct 2005, ESAC, Spain ESAVO Registry and Curation Utility Aurélien Stébé
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) Villafranca del Castillo, MADRID (SPAIN) Aurélien Stébé Registry and Curation, Oct 2005, ESAC, Spain The ESAVO Registry Full Searchable Registry implemented in Java with Sybase RDBMS Resource Metadata schemas version 0.10 (+ OpenSkyNode v0.1) Services accessible by Web Service, HTTP POST or GET User Interface on Web Pages for Search and Insert/Update Fully compliant OAI interface for harvesting New AuthorityIDs registration support IVOA Registry WG Release in July 2005 Publicly Released in September 2005
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) Villafranca del Castillo, MADRID (SPAIN) Aurélien Stébé Registry and Curation, Oct 2005, ESAC, Spain The Website Interface Search Interface fully accessible : Quick Search box and KeywordSearch GetResource and Type Menu ADQL/x and XPathQL Result display with toolbar options Edit/Clone with complete XForms : Handling of multiple elements First level validation Registry Search Registry Results Registry Edit
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) Villafranca del Castillo, MADRID (SPAIN) Aurélien Stébé Registry and Curation, Oct 2005, ESAC, Spain Implementation Details Programming Languages used : Java (main engine) and JSP/HTML/CSS (user interface) XSD (resource schemas) and XSLT (data manipulations) Sybase/SQL (data saving) and XForm (resource edition) Java Libraries used : Axis (web services) / Xerces (xml parser) / Xalan (xslt engine) Jconn (jdbc/database) / Altova (database-xml interface) Chiba (xforms engine) / Standard Java XML APIs Applications used : Altova XMLSpy & MapForce for schemas manipulation and design, database creation and database-xml interface code generation. Tomcat for deployment and Chiba for schemas to xforms mapping.
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) Villafranca del Castillo, MADRID (SPAIN) Aurélien Stébé Registry and Curation, Oct 2005, ESAC, Spain The ADQL Support Support ADQL v0.7.4, v0.8, v0.9 and v1.0 with different stylesheets XPathQLSearch method branching after ADQL transformation Broad regular expr. to offer large XPath support (no namespaces) Xalan <Where xmlns=".../ADQL/v0.?? " xmlns:xsi="..."> <Arg xsi:type="columnReferenceType" xpathName="content/description"/> <Literal xsi:type="stringType" Value="%esa%"/> XSLT Stylesheets #content/description# LIKE '%esa%' regex ADQL XPathQL Regex config XML file Content.description LIKE '%esa%' SQL
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) Villafranca del Castillo, MADRID (SPAIN) Aurélien Stébé Registry and Curation, Oct 2005, ESAC, Spain The Schemas Handling Extensive use of stylesheet transformations Database interfacing ESAVO Resource schema XMLSpy & MapForce IVOA Resource XSLT Files XHTML output XForm output ESAVO Resource JAVA Code MapForce & NetBeans Sybase RDBMS flat structure schema
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) Villafranca del Castillo, MADRID (SPAIN) Aurélien Stébé Registry and Curation, Oct 2005, ESAC, Spain The Harvesting Interface The OAI Implementation : MetadataFormats : ivo_vor, esa_vor and oai_dc Sets : ivo_{ResourceTypes}, ivo_standard and ivo_managed Resumption Tokens / YYYY-MM-DD only granularity Harvesting the following Registries : Heasarc (ivo://nvo.heasarc/registry) JapanVO (ivo://jvo/publishingregistry) NVO NCSA (ivo://nvo.ncsa/registry) CDS ( Problems harvesting other Registries, should be fixed soon.
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) Villafranca del Castillo, MADRID (SPAIN) Aurélien Stébé Registry and Curation, Oct 2005, ESAC, Spain The Curation Utility Testing Validation Levels sequentially Extendable to different Resource types Easily configurable by XML file Welcome to the curation utility for the Virtual Observatory... Starting curation of resource : ivo://esavo/iso/siap... Getting the resource description... Registry Endpoint : Registry Portname : { Registry Operation : { Checking the resource description... ** Error, line 10 The content of element 'vr:curation' is not complete. One of '{contact}' is expected. ** Error, line 19 The content of element 'vr:interface' is not complete. One of '{resultType}' is expected.... but lets try to keep going anyway... Calling the resource type check... Checking a 'SimpleImageAccess' type resource... Checking the resource description... The resource contact name is missing from the description ! The resource contact is missing from the description ! This resource referenceURL is : Checking the service metadata... Calling URL : This ContentType doesn't look correct to me : text/html;charset=ISO ! Checking the service Image Query... Calling URL : Calling URL : Calling URL : Checking the service Image Retrieval... No Image Access Reference found to test, passing but lets try to keep going anyway... Checking the service Region Coverage... Checking Region : AllSky Calling URL : Calling URL : Calling URL : Checking the service Image Retrieval... Calling URL : Calling URL : please check the log output...
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) Villafranca del Castillo, MADRID (SPAIN) Aurélien Stébé Registry and Curation, Oct 2005, ESAC, Spain The Curation Tests Level 0 : a Resource entry exist Get the Resource entry from the Registry Level 1 : the Resource is valid Validate the Resource using the VOResource schemas Level 2 : the Service is valid Extract the Resource type and call the specific sub-method Check Resource content for minimum information
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) Villafranca del Castillo, MADRID (SPAIN) Aurélien Stébé Registry and Curation, Oct 2005, ESAC, Spain The Curation Tests Level 2 : SIAP specific Check the referenceURL validity Call the METADATA method and validate the result Call multiple Image Queries, both correct and bogus Download image references we got, if any Level 3 : SIAP specific Extract the Region Coverage from the Resource Call Image Queries on all regions using random coordinates and increasing SIZE Download image references we got, if any
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) Villafranca del Castillo, MADRID (SPAIN) Aurélien Stébé Registry and Curation, Oct 2005, ESAC, Spain Future Plans ESAVO Registry Future Evolutions : Optimize the KeywordSearch algorithm Optimize the database connection system Upgrade the interface to the latest specifications Upgrade the Resource schemas to future v1.0 Implement the full DateTime OAI granularity Implement some “call forms” for services Curation Utility Future Evolutions : Implement Curation of other protocols (SSAP, SkyNode, …) Interface the utility with the Registry One button Resource Curation Fill in ValidationLevel attribute