1 Oregon Robotics Tournament and Outreach Program I. Introductory Workshop for ORTOP’s FLL Program 2013 Opening doors to the worlds of science and technology for Oregon’s youth
2 Instructor Contacts Roger Swanson Jim Ryan Ken Cone (503) Dale Jordan Terry Hamm (503)
3 ORTOP Project Administrator Cathy Swider (503)
4 Today’s Goal Provide an understanding of the ORTOP and FLL programs Show the value these programs bring to our youth Demonstrate the fun and excitement by building and programming a LEGO ® robot Explain the opportunities for your (or your friends’) involvement
5 Agenda Introductions Our motivations The ORTOP and FLL Programs Build a LEGO ® robot and try it out More on FLL Teams Simple programming of your robot Along the way: A complete Senior Solutions field set-up kit and a video of FLL tournament action
6 The Problem Fast growing demand for engineers, technicians, and other technologists Slow growing supply of young people interested in technology, especially among women and minorities How do we expose youngsters to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) at an early age so they might pursue such a course in later studies?
7 The Opportunity with FIRST ® Programs from FIRST ® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Jr.FLL (Junior FIRST ® LEGO ® League) 6-9 year- olds – initial ORTOP pilot in 2006 FLL (FIRST ® LEGO ® League) 9-14 year olds – started by ORTOP in 2001 FTC (FIRST ® Tech Challenge) for high school students – initial ORTOP pilot in 2006 FRC (FIRST ® Robotics Competition) for high school students – not an ORTOP program but active in Oregon "To create a world where science and technology are celebrated.. where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes"
8 The Opportunity -- FLL FIRST ® LEGO ® League (FLL) Targets 9-14 year olds Uses relatively inexpensive LEGO ® robotics kits Defines a mini engineering project based on real-world problems Features hands-on experience and multi- disciplinary teamwork Show these youth that STEM studies can be fun
9 ORTOP (Oregon Robotics Tournament and Outreach Program) Runs the FLL (as well as Jr.FLL and FTC) program in Oregon and southwest Washington Connected to the Chancellor’s Office of the Oregon University System Heavily volunteer based Opening doors to the worlds of science and technology for Oregon’s youth
10 Additional ORTOP Goals Reach out to girls and minorities Look for partners that can help: Girl Scouts, Boys and Girls Clubs, 4H, etc. Special outreach to schools and community organizations with the demographics that fit our focus Scholarship program so cost does not limit participation Every team that registers gets to participate in a tournament Success for a team is working together through the season and showcasing their results in a tournament SUCCESS = PARTICIPATION
11 Build a Robot Let’s take a break from all this talking and get out the LEGO ® kits to have some fun building an NXT robot!
12 Before We Start The NXT Outputs(A,B,C) Inputs (1,2,3,4) Buttons (Enter, Back, Left, Right) USB port Motors Sensors Touch sensor, light sensor, color sensor, ultrasonic sensor, rotation sensor
13 Build the Sample Robot Follow pages 2-10 and in the booklet to build your base robot Do not build the following assemblies – they should be already assembled in your kits: Caster Mount (pages ) Cowcatcher (pages 32 – 33) Fork Lift (pages 34 – 35) Left light sensor (pages 24-27), touch sensor (pages 28-29), and ultra-sonic sensor (pages ) may or may not already be assembled.
14 Build the Sample Robot (cont.) Add the left light sensor (page 25) Add the touch sensor (page 29) Color of parts need not match what is in the photos. Part that looks like trailor hitch on p. 28 does not exist. Be sure to route wire inserted on p. 5 towards gears when you add NXT on p.20 These assembly instructions can be found with all the workshop materials at:
15 What Is an FLL Team? 4-10 youngsters each Ages 9-14 Led by coach and mentor Coach – adult with overall responsibility for the team Mentor – technical expertise Sources of teams Schools Community groups Neighborhoods
16 The FLL Team Experience Miniature engineering project team stressing Creativity and teamwork Engineering principles: requirements, alternatives, rapid prototyping, testing, … Hands-on problem solving Context is a real-world situation Illustrates multiple roles: Designers, Builders, Programmers, Sales and Marketing Insights into possible careers The youngsters do the work – FLL Coaches’ Promise and FLL Core Values
17 FLL Team Costs Start-up Costs FLL NXT Robot Set: $435 Materials for table: Around $50 Yearly Costs FLL Team Registration Fee: $225 Oregon Qualifying Tournament Fee: $75 Oregon Championship Tournament Fee: $50 Field Setup Kit: $75 Misc. including batteries, shipping: $50-$100 First-year total: $ Subsequent years total: $425-$525
18 Possible Sources of Team Funding Fundraising Activities ORTOP Scholarship Team Member Dues Team Sponsors Having some portion of costs picked up by team members gives a sense of commitment Scholarship info --
19 The Team Timeline April – Sept.: Teams form May 6: Registration with FLL opens –registration materials begin to ship June – Sept.: ORTOP workshops Aug.: Robot and field set-up kits begin to ship Aug. 28: The Nature’s Fury Challenge is released Teams develop their solutions for ~3 mo. Culminating event is the Tournament Qualifying tournaments in early December Championship tournaments in January
20 Team Registration National registration through FLL: May through end of September or when max reached $225 FLL registration fee Receive Coaches Handbook, web forum access, DVDs on FIRST ® and FLL, and support Optional ordering of kits First-Come-First-Served, so REGISTER EARLY!!
21 Purchases at FLL Registration Registration fee: $225 FLL Robot Set (NXT): $435 Field set-up kit: $75 Extra parts: rechargeable battery and charger, motors, and sensors (light, touch, and color) They don’t ship until they are paid
22 New EV3 Robot Kits Pros Latest technology Sets up your team for the long term Cons Not available until Aug. 1 More expensive -- $499 vs. $435 First generation could mean more bugs Less training support -- Dale Yocum programming tutorial available Aug. 1 Bottom Line: Focus on near term – go with NXT Focus on long term – go with EV3
23 ORTOP State QT Registration Takes place early October 2013 ORTOP Tournament fees $75 for a Qualifying Tournament $50 for a Championship Tournament We notify all coaches that have registered with FLL in Oregon and SW Washington Provide list of Qualifying Tournaments Ask for 3 Qualifying Tournament choices in priority order We assign teams to Qualifying Tournaments Register early!!
24 Tournament Structure Less focus on competition and more on showcasing the team’s learning and results Qualifying Tournaments Around teams each Organized by Qualifying Tournament volunteers with support from ORTOP 24 in 2012: Bend, Albany, Hood River, LaGrande, McMinnville, Grants Pass, Salem, The Dalles, Vancouver, and Portland Metro area 10 Championship Tournaments for 2012 season ~120 teams at two Championship Tournaments at Liberty High School in Hillsboro in January, 2013
25 Tournaments Exhibit Students’ Achievements Three opportunities to demonstrate robot on the Challenge playing field Interaction with Robot Design Judging Panel Presentation to Project Judging Panel General presentation area specified by FLL to enhance learning about the year’s theme Requires research by the team Develops presentation skills (the opportunity for the developing sales and marketing youngsters) Core Values Judging Panel
26 Tournament Awards Number of awards depends on size of tournament Highest level awards (the Champions Awards) and invitations to Championship Tournaments require good results in Robot Design, Project, Core Values, and Robot Performance Other awards also recognize outstanding performance in each of the 4 categories ORTOP Young Team and Rookie Team awards are given at Championship Tournaments Participation awards for all teams
27 Plans for 2013 Theme: Nature’s Fury ~450 teams with more than 3200 youngsters Around Qualifying Tournaments Held first two weekends in December teams per tournament Expect same locations as last year 2 Championship Tournaments of about 60 teams each in January, 2014 Continued focus on outreach to girls & minorities More sponsors
28 Volunteer Opportunities Coaches Mentors ORTOP Planning Committee Qualifying Tournament Planning Tournament Staffing Financial Support
29 NXT Programming Let’s get back to our robots and learn how to make them do something!
30 How To Read Light Sensors Turn on robot First menu is “My Files” Use arrow keys to move to “View” Select with orange button Use arrow keys to find “Reflected Light” Select with orange button Use arrow keys to find “Port 3” Select with orange button Read different areas of the mat – values will be 0 to 100
31 What Did You Learn? The robot does exactly what you tell it to do. The robot is almost always “right” even though it doesn’t appear to be doing what you told it to do. Are you running the right program? Have you downloaded the program after making changes? Are the ports right?
32 What Else Did You Learn? Robot’s View Function can read what the light sensor is sensing. Make sure your robot is uncalibrated unless you have calibrated it for some specific reason.
33 Light Sensor Final Exam You read the following values: White: 68 Green: 38 Black: 25 Your program says Wait For with “until” set to < value. What happens if: Value = 75 Value = 45 Value = 33 Value = 15
34 Contact Us Web site: Phone: (503)