Lesson 17, Day 1
Objective: To listen and respond appropriately to oral communication. Question of the Day: What helps you fall asleep? Why? When I give you the signal, turn and talk with your partner using the stem below. I like to ______ before I go to bed.
Objective: To respond to a story through music. Read Aloud Read Aloud “Fireflies, Fireflies Light My Way”
Objective - To read high frequency words. Word Wall: by room animals make family watch join they
Objective: To substitute phonemes to make new words. Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Substitution
Objective: To recognize and generate the sound -le Syllable -le When I say a word that has the /le/ sound at the end, hold your thumb up and say the sound /le/. When I say a word that does not have /le/, put your thumb down.
Word Blending pick Objective: To build and blend words with -le and other known letter-sounds. le jung lejing pebb midd le
Word Building Objective: To build and blend words with -le and other known letter-sounds. hadn iw le ggle single little
When called go to your seat and label the paper with your name and date. It’s time to take our spelling pretest! Objective: To spell spelling words and high frequency words.
Reading Some animals jump and tumble. Some animals make bells jingle. Objective: To use letter-sound knowledge to read decodable text. To develop fluency.
Words to Know soon animals make family join Objective: To read high-frequency words.
Retelling Objective: To practice retelling a story. Characters Actions
Read Aloud Objective: To set a purpose for listening. To understand characteristics of fables. “How the Rainbow Came to Be”
Objective: To develop robust vocabulary by discussing ideas and situations. Robust Vocabulary Agreement Unnoticed Unthinkable
When you are in agreement with others, you all think the same thing. agreement
Red, Blue and Yellow are in agreement that Earth must have color. What agreements do you have with friends about games you play at recess?
unnoticed If you go unnoticed, no one sees you. The money on the ground went unnoticed by the woman.
unnoticed At first, the butterflies were unnoticed because they were the same color as everything else on Earth. Would you be unnoticed if you wore all white clothing as you walked through the snow?
An unthinkable event is something you never thought could or would happen. unthinkable A long time ago people believed it was unthinkable for us to land on moon.
unthinkable A planet without color was unthinkable to Red, Blue and Yellow, so they added color to Earth. Would a day at school without lunch be unthinkable to you?
Vocabulary Practice/Apply A friend broke an agreement. On my signal show or tell your partner how you might feel. You want to surprise a friend. On my signal show your partner how you would go up to him or her unnoticed. Imagine something unthinkable just happened. Use the expression on your face to show your partner how you feel.
Objective: To recognize possessive proper nouns Blue’s oceans and rivers were beautiful. Red’s bird was bright red.
Objective: To recognize possessive proper nouns Pam’s book Hector’s pencil
Objective: To recognize possessive proper nouns
Objective: To understand the purpose of an invitation.
Objective: To understand the purpose of each part of the friendly letter
Draft a Message Objective: To understand the purpose of each part of the friendly letter.
Tell a Message Draw a picture showing a friend or relative who lives in another place. Next, draw a picture of something interesting that has happened recently to you. Add words or phrases that you may want to add to your letter. Objective: To understand the purpose of each part of the friendly letter