Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detector (RTSD) Workshop 2008 Ralph B. James Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA Michael Fiederle Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany
16th International Workshop Why does anyone care? Principal Subjects: Semiconductor Materials for Radiation Detection Crystal Growth, Materials and Defects Characterization Strip, Pixel and Discrete Semiconductor detectors Properties of Electrical Contacts and Device Technology Radiation Damage, Long-Term Stability and Environmental Effects Scintillator/Semiconductor Array Hybrids Semiconductor Neutron Detectors Detector/ASIC Hybridization, Interconnects and Electronics Spectrometer Systems for Homeland Security, Nuclear Inspections Safeguards and Portal Monitoring Imaging Systems for Medical, Astrophysics, Non-Destructive Testing and Cargo Monitoring Applications
RTSD Workshop Willing to add new members to the program and scientific advisory committees Abstract submissison: – Total:207 (40 % growth) – Moved to NSS8 7 (from NSS) – Oral presentations:103 Programm: Monday (2:00pm) - Friday (18.00) – Posters:104 – Expected participants:250
RTSD Programm
Joint sessions Triple joint session NSS-MIC-RTSD: – Löick Verger – LETI CEA Joint sessions with NSS and with MIC One poster session Thursday (after RTSD lunch)
RTSD Luncheon Off-site lunch preferred Luncheon session Thursday (12:00 – 14:30) Estimated number of participants: 150 persons Partly sponsored (R. B. James) Questions?