WERE THERE PROBLEMS BEFORE THE WAR? There was no doubt the Viceroy would declare war however he did not consult the political leaders The Indian Raj went to war but the Indian nation (led by Congress) revived its campaign of non-cooperation with the British
WHAT HAPPENED DURING THE WAR? ‘During the Second World War, the erosion of British interests in India was dramatically halted.’ Japans made a call of ‘Asia for the Asiatics’ which strengthened nationalist opposition to British Rule. This was further invigorated by the fall of imperial Britain in Asia. Churchill sent Stafford Cripps to India with the offer of self government after the war in exchange for cooperation during it. Gandhi rejected this and launched the Quit India movement. Three years from the end of the war Britain had withdrawn from India.
POST-WAR POSITION Across the British political parties India was seen to have become unprofitable and unmanageable by Trading and investment connections were deemed to be best maintained through the friendship of two equal nations. Some British firms were selling out to Indian buyers; Britain owed India £1300m.