What is play? All children play. From the infant during a game of peek-a-boo to the older child playing a game of basketball, children of all ages play and they play in all kinds of ways. Play is recognized as an important part of a child's development. In fact, it is an important topic of study in many different disciplines.
What is play? In the field of early childhood special education, play is valuable in assessing a child's level of development and in providing intervention. In psychology, therapists often watch children play to gain an understanding of children's problems and to help them deal with their emotions.
Alto Ahi! This game from Argentina. Number of participants: All who want to play (not less than 3).
Rules: one player takes the ball. In that moment the rest start running away from the one who has the ball. When the one who has the ball says: "Stop there, John" (he has to name one of the participants),the one named has to look for the ball. RULES OF GAME
Once he has the ball he says " stop there " and everybody has to stop. The one who has the ball can give three steps to get nearer, to his closest partner, and throw him/ her the ball.
Benefits Physical 1) develop fine and gross motor skill e.g. learn how to catch, walk, run, throw. Emotional 1) feel happy, excited, fear, 2) release tension and depression 3) enhance child’s self confidence (when he/she able to catch another player)
Social 1) learned how to cooperate with others. 2) create and strengthen friendship with peers Language 1) develop and improve their communication skill 2) enrich their vocabulary Benefits