Histology Objective: Objective: To study different types of tissues and identify the followings: 1- Hyaline Cartilage (C.S) 2- Arteries and Veins (C.S) 3- Striated and Cardiac muscles (C.S) 4- Neurons and Spinal cord (C.S)
Histology: Microscopic Study of Tissues Histology: Microscopic Study of Tissues Biopsy: removal of tissues for diagnostic purposes Biopsy: removal of tissues for diagnostic purposes Autopsy: examination of organs of a dead body to determine cause of death Autopsy: examination of organs of a dead body to determine cause of death Tissues and Histology
Major types of adult tissues: 1- Epithelial 2- Connective 3- Muscle 4- Nervous
Number of cell layers Number of cell layers Simple Simple Stratified Stratified Shape of apical surface cells Shape of apical surface cells Squamous Squamous Cuboidal Cuboidal Columnar Columnar Classification of epithelia
Classifications of Epithelia
2- Connective Tissues
Two types: Two types: Cartilage Cartilage Bone Bone C- Supporting connective tissues Cartilage and bone support the body
1- Cartilage: Cells called chondrocytes Cells called chondrocytes Cells found in lacunae (capsules) Cells found in lacunae (capsules) Perichondrium separates cartilage from surrounding tissues Perichondrium separates cartilage from surrounding tissues Three types: hyaline, elastic and fibrocartilage Three types: hyaline, elastic and fibrocartilage Supporting connective tissues
Hyaline Cartilage Figure 4.12g
Elastic Cartilage Figure 4.12h
Specialized for contraction Specialized for contraction Three types: Three types: Skeletal: attached to bones Skeletal: attached to bones Cardiac: muscle of the heart Cardiac: muscle of the heart Smooth: muscle associated with tubular structures Smooth: muscle associated with tubular structures 3- Muscle tissue
Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Cardiac Muscle Tissue
Conducts electrical impulses. Conducts electrical impulses. Conveys information from one area to another. Conveys information from one area to another. 4- Neural tissue
T.S. of Spinal Cord
Nerve Cell