I. Adaptations A.Protists – single celled organisms 1.Pseudopod – cell cytoplasm flows into “fake foot” and organism moves 2.Cilia a.short hair-like organelles b.cover outer surface of cell c.wave back and forth to move cell through water 3.Flagellum a.long, hair-like organelles b.act like whip to push/pull cell through water
I. Adaptations Flagella Pseudopod Cilia
II. Structure of Human A.Bones 1.Skeleton mainly made of bones of different sizes 2.Hard and rigid, provide support and protection 3.Muscles attach to bones 4.Bones act as levers at joints 5.Produce red and white blood cells in marrow of long bones
II. Structure of Human B.Cartilage 1.Flexible, fibrous, elastic connective tissue 2.Birth – skeleton = cartilage then gets replaced by bone 3.Found at ends of ribs, between vertebrae, ends of bones, nose, ear and trachea 4.Cushioning and flexibility at joints 5.Support and pliability in nose and ears
II. Structure of Human C.Joints 1.Allow mvmt of bones where they connect 2.Types a.Hinge – move back and forth (elbow, knee) b.Ball and Socket – circular mvmt (shoulder and hip) c.Pivot – half circle (neck) d.Immovable – skull
III. Muscles A.Can contract and shorten B.Types 1.Skeletal a.voluntary and attached to bones b.looks striped (striated) c.contraction controlled by nervous system d.operate in pairs, one extends and other flexes (tricep vs. bicep)
III. Muscles 2.Smooth A.involuntary, found in digestive organs and arteries B.does NOT have stripes (striations) 3.Cardiac A.found ONLY in heart B.appears striated C.involuntary
Smooth Muscle Skeletal Muscle Cardiac Muscle
III. Muscles C.Tendons 1.attach muscles to bones 2.tough, INELASTIC cords 3.“Muscles TEND to be ripped from bones.” D.Ligaments 1.connect bones together 2.tough, ELASTIC cords
Tendon Ligament
IV. Disorders A.Arthritis 1.inflammation of joints 2.painful and difficult mvmt
IV. Disorders B.Tendonitis 1.inflammation of tendon where it attaches to bone 2.occurs commonly in athletes