Transport System: Plants and Animals
Recall….Plant Adaptations to Life on Land
Other Challenges Why do plants have roots and shoots?
Additional Adaptations
A Big Split: The Two Classes
Water Transport: Xylem
How does water from the roots, make it all the way to the very tops of leaves?
Cohesion-Tension Hypothesis Transpiration Root Pressure Capillary Action
Transpiration ….Inside the Cell!!!
Nutrient Transport: Phloem
Where are nutrients of the plant produced?
How do nutrients get from the leaves to other places the needed?
Pressure-Flow Hypothesis
Xylem Vs. Phloem
Xylem and Phloem
Animal Transport
What needs to be transported?
Is One Structure for Transport Adequate for ALL Organisms? What determines the system design of Animals?
Demands of Environment!!!! 1.Water vs. Land 2.Size 3.Activity Level
Two Types of Circulatory Systems Open No separation between blood and other fluid. Fluids bathe organs Blood transport=slow Small organisms/insects Closed Blood is in vessels Major vessels branch to smaller vessels Blood transport=Quick
Vertebrate Circulation A.K.A….The Cardiovascular System -3 Main Components 1.Heart 2.Blood Vessels 3.Blood
The Heart Atria Receive blood returning to heart Ventricles Pump blood out of the heart 2 Major Chambers
Blood Vessels Arteries Carry blood away from heart to other organs. – Aorta – pulmonary Veins Return blood to the heart -Has Valves Capillaries Network of microscopic vessels that permeate every tissue.
Evolution of Circulation FishAmphibians/ReptilesBirds/Mammals
The Human Heart
The Cardiac Cycle Heartbeat= Sequence of muscle contraction (systole) and relaxation (diastole). Blood enters the atria, which contract, forcing blood into the ventricles. The atria relax and fill. The ventricles contract, forcing blood into the pulmonary artery and the aorta. Then, the ventricles relax and the atria contract, repeating the cycle. *Atria contract=ventricle relax* *Atria relax=ventricle contract*
Muscle Structure Contractions are caused by two main proteins – Actin – Myosin
Types of Muscle
Blood Pressure Blood vessels differ in amounts of muscle and elastic tissue. Blood Pressure Measurement Peak of ventricle release=systolic blood pressure Just prior to ventricle release=diastolic blood pressure Systolic/Diastolic=120/80
Blood Composition – Erythrocytes – Leukocytes – Plasma – Platelets
Erythrocytes Transport Oxygen Hemoglobin Why is Iron so important in our diet?
Leukocytes Second line of defense against invaders Macrophages
Plasma Fluid Portion of Blood Transports material – CO2 – Hormones – Ions – Digested food
Lymphatic System Lymph- fluid of system – Specialized cells – Water – Protein – Salts What would happen if the lymphatic system did not function/exist?
Platelets Coagulation
Homeostasis Skin Why do you sweat? Gas-Exchange Why do you breath heavy when you are exercising? Why after holding your breath do you breath heavy?