Visual Essay Now that you are thoroughly acquainted with six Modes of Discourse: choose a general topic and compose a visual essay demonstrating how that topic would be discussed using each of the modes of discourse we have learned so far. Examples of topics: Producing an album, making a movie, moving to another state, your first car, your dream job, gang violence, raising horses, calculus, a hobby, future career, college
Visual Essay There will be five parts to your essay: – Narration – Description – Comparison & contrast – Definition – Cause-Effect – Argumentation It is an essay grade. Bring a flashdrive on which to save your project each day! Each part will consist of a picture, a label, and a caption. Essay must be done in PowerPoint. – Picture: PowerPoint slide – Caption: Box at bottom of slide Essay must include a cover slide and a works cited. Rubric must be the last slide. Sample essay follows.
We will use the following schedule to work on and to complete the project by the due date: 11/28 = Meet in computer lab; research topic and graphics; begin to assemble your PowerPoint presentation 11/29 = Meet in computer lab; assemble your PowerPoint presentation 11/30 = Meet in computer lab; assemble your PowerPoint presentation 11/30 = Presentation print-off DUE! 12/5-6 = Lab days reserved for class presentations!
Rubric – Major Grade CriteriaPoints PossiblePoints Earned Title page10 Each mode is represented with picture, label, and caption narration10 description10 comparison & contrast15 definition10 cause-effect15 argumentation15 Works Cited page15 Total ( bonus +5 if color printout ):100 (105)
Formatting Your Essay (aka: How to make it look like the sample) Slide Layout: – Format Slide Layout – In Slide Layout box, choose Text Layout that has box at top and nothing else on page. – Move Text box to bottom of slide. – Paste or create your image in blank space above the slide. Text formatting: – In text box: Font: Arial Size: 14 Alignment: Left Figure Title: Bold and Italicized Words that indicate mode of discourse: Bold Works Cited: – In alphabetical order by title Rubric: – Copy and paste my slide into your PowerPoint
Turning it in: Due Wed. Nov. 30 MUST be printed out (in color = 5 points bonus). NO EXCEPTIONS! It is a major grade! Printing instructions: File Print: 1.Print Range: All 2.Print What: Handouts 3.Handouts: Slides per page: 3; Landscape Orientation 4.Color/Grayscale: Color (Grayscale or Black only if no color printer available)