How to Electronically Sign your Protocol on the eIRB IRB Office Building 1- Room 229 Version: January 28, 2015
Step 1 – Click on the left tab titled “Personnel.”
Step 2 – Once you open your protocol, your name is automatically entered as the PI (Primary Investigator). This can be edited by you during protocol revision, but not while the protocol is under review. It can be changed by the IRB office at anytime – contact at
Step 3 – Your name also automatically drops to the “e- sign” portion of the page.
Step 4 – The PI is responsible for naming the co-PI’s on the protocol. Remember, faculty advisors are considered co-PI’s. To enter names, click “Edit selection.”
Step 5 – This window should pop-up. Here, select the co-PI’s names by using the filter or clicking on the “Colleges/ Groups” dropdown menu.
Step 6 – Select the name, then click “Apply current selection” to add this person as a co- PI.
Step 7 – After you click “apply current selection”, close the pop-up window. On your protocol main page, the name you selected shows up here under “Other Investigators.”
Step 8: Repeat steps 5, 6 and 7 for the “e-signing” section on the main protocol page. PI and co-PI will be named here.
Step 9- After you have repeated steps 5-7, the main protocol page will list both the co-PI and PI under the “For e-signing” section.
Step 10 – Make sure to click “save” before navigating away from the personnel page and continue doing this through any tab you select.
Step 11- Go “ ” to the main protocols page and your protocol will be in “draft” form of the workflow.
Step 12 – To change out of “draft” form and be able to sign your protocol, right click on the file and choose “for signatures”
Step 13- You can send a comment to the people who need to sign the protocol by entering text in the text box shown below. Make sure that the correct date is displayed in the text box, otherwise, the protocol will not be available for signing until the date that is selected.
Step 14- When you go “ ” to the main protocols page, your protocol’s status will now be “for signature.”
Step 15- To enter your signature, right click on document status, then left click on “e-signatures.”
Step 16- This pop-up window will appear. Please read the “Declaration By All Investigators.” After doing so, enter your bronco password in the text box. Here, you may also see what other signatures are required.
Step 17 – After entering your bronco password, your name will move down to “e-signatures that have been provided” as you have signed your protocol. Remember that there might be more signatures needed so make sure to check the “Required signatures that are needed.
Step 18 – After you close the signatures pop-up window, your protocol will still be under “for signature” until all the other co-PI signs.
Step 19- After the co-PIs have signed the protocol, you can refresh the page to see that your protocol has now moved to “IRBCO Administrative Review.” IRBCO means IRB compliance office, and at this point, we will begin reviewing your protocol in its entirety.
Congratulations! You have now learned the process for e-signing your protocol. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.