Work Efficient Machines Machines Simple Solutions Levers CRCT Review
What must occur every time for work to be exerted? A 100
1.A force must be applied 2.An object must move in the same direction as the force A 100
What unit is used to measure force? What unit is used to measure work? A 200
Newtons (N) Joules (J) A 200
What is the formula for work? A 300
Work = force x distance (W = f x d) A 300
If you lift your science book up off the floor, are you doing work? Why/why not? A 400
Yes, because you are lifting your books upward, and the books are moving upward also. A 400
A 500 You pick your cell phone up off the counter and talk into it as you walk across the room. When you finish talking, you place it back on the counter and slide it away from the edge. When are you doing work on the cell phone?
1.Picking up the cell phone 2.Placing it down on the counter 3.Pushing it away from the edge A 500
You exert 20 N to push a desk 10 m. B 100
200 J B 100
You move a wheelbarrow 50 m by exerting 100 N. B 200
5,000 J B 200
What is the MA of a machine that has an output of 250 J if you have an input of 10 J. B 300
25 B 300
You push a car 0 m with 200 N B 400
No work is being done because the car didn’t move
You carry your cat 50 m with 100 N B 500
No work is being done, you are holding the cat up and moving it forward B 500
What is a term that means the same thing as input force? C 100
Effort C 100
OL-What is the ideal mechanical efficiency of a machine? AD- How do you calculate the mechanical efficiency of a machine? C 200
OL-100% AD- output force input force C 200 x 100%
How do you find the MA of a machine? C 300
Output force Input force C 300
C 400 What are the 3 ways a machine can help you do work?
1.Multiply distance 2.Multiply force 3.Change direction C 400
C 500 What is the MA of a machine that multiplies force?
Greater than 1
An inclined plane that moves is called? D 100
A wedge D 100
An inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder is called? D 200
A screw D 200
A machine that uses 2 or more simple machines is called? D 300
A compound (or complex) machine D 300
Which type of simple machines best represent these parts of your body? 1.Muscles and bones 2.Teeth D 400
1.Levers 2.Wedges D 400
Why would you increase the length and thinness of a wedge? D 500
To create a greater MA D 500
The fixed point a lever pivots around is called? E 100
The fulcrum E 100
The weight the lever lifts is called? E 200
The resistance E 200
What is always located in the middle of a 2nd class levers? E 300
The resistance E 300
What class of lever does a bottle opener belong to? E 400
2 nd class E 400
What class of lever do pliers belong to? E 500
1 st class E 500
From an element’s location on the periodic table, what can you predict? F 100
An element’s properties F 100
What is used to measure how much matter an object contains? F 200
Mass F 200
When elements are in the same column on the periodic table, they are in the same _________. F 300
Family F 300
How are atoms and elements related? F 400
Every element has it’s own specific type of atom. F 400
In order for a skater to not be accelerating, what would they need to be doing? F 500
Skating in a straight line at a constant speed. F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Types of Machines Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
OL- Explain why wedges and screws are actually types of inclined planes. AD- If constructing a lever with the highest MA possible, where should the effort, resistance, and fulcrum be located? Using the picture below, which machines multiply the input force? Click on screen to continue
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