Agenda of Madrid meeting Friday 26th of March, 9am to 5pm 1) Welcome at Altran 9am. 2) Contractual issues. 3) Work progress. Accreditation approaches. Synopsis of accreditation processes: a. MMB b. Altran c. Milano d. KTH e. ENPC
Agenda of Madrid meeting Friday 26th of March, 9am to 5pm 4) Objectives of SIG-DLAE. Discussion about options: a. E-learning and Blended learning : already accepted; b. European accreditation or accreditation of national bodies; c. Accreditation of the distance European master of science or of all European higher education. During the project and as a product; d. Accreditation of institutions or diploma or accreditation at two levels (accredited diploma in an accredited institution and two sets of criteria). 5) Lunch (same discussion as for dinner?)
Agenda of Madrid meeting Friday 26th of March, 9am to 5pm 6) The DLAE added value. The DLAE mission statement. The DLAE accreditation process: outline and synopsis. 7) Making business with accreditation. Product oriented web-site. 8) Coordination with DETC, ABET and national bodies. 9) Work plan. 10) Future meetings. 11) Close 5pm