2 nd International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium FERMILAB, September 20-22, 2003 Workshop sponsored by Fermilab and Argonne WELCOME!! Local Organizing Committee:


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Presentation transcript:

2 nd International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium FERMILAB, September 20-22, 2003 Workshop sponsored by Fermilab and Argonne WELCOME!! Local Organizing Committee: G. Bodwin, E. Eichten, V. Jain, V. Papadimitriou, S. Pordes QWG Conveners: A. Böhrer, N. Brambilla, M. Krämer, R. Mussa, A. Vairo

Heavy Quarkonium  Privileged window into the QCD world.  Multi-scale systems probing all energy regimes of QCD  Renewed interest, puzzles, challenges, discovery of new states.  Many running experiments cross checking each other (e + e - machines, ep machines, ppbar machines) and challenging theory. Getting information from photon-photon fusion, photon-gluon fusion, gluon-gluon fusion, etc.). Answers and more challenges are around the corner.  Various theoretical approaches have matured and can cross check each other.  Exciting time! There are new opportunities in this field. We can make a significant impact on its future!

Quarkonium Working Group / Objectives  QWG members:  About 100 members; theorists from all research approaches (lattice, perturbative, finite T, nuclear communities and phenomenologists) and representatives of present and future experiments.  QWGNET (12 nodes in Asia, Europe and the U.S.)  Objectives: Assess our present QCD knowledge of quarkonia. Use these systems to improve the determination of fundamental parameters of the SM.

Quarkonium Working Group / Objectives  Objectives: Indicate which experimental data could be a clue to our undertanding QCD or which theoretical predictions are key to future and ongoing experiments. Make this information useful and easily available. Create common language for various theoretical and experimental communities and common data analysis and Monte Carlo packages. Provide a timely document that will be a thorough description of the status of the field and define action items. …………………………………………………………

B c – CDF Run I, =1.8 TeV events GeV ps

 c total widths – E835 MeV E760/E835: perfect tool for precise measurements

Yellow Report  One of the main goals of the CERN (Nov. 2002) and FNAL (Sept. 2003) Quarkonium Workshops is to complete the CERN Yellow Report.  The Yellow Report has to be timely; otherwise it will loose its effectiveness and it may become obsolete. We need to provide feedback and guidance to both theory and experiment NOW.  Topic Conveners and QWG members contributing to the Yellow Report, please submit your contributions by December 15, 2003.

Interesting issues  Quarkonia Polarization  (J/  S  S  S  S  As high P T as possible, hadronic activity in the vicinity of onia (non-monotonic) Fixed target has seen high polarization for  S  S  while small polarization for  S  Measure  S  S  polarization at the Tevatron and try to resolve the issue.

Interesting Issues  Distinguish between CEM and NRQCD  measure  c1 /  c2 better at Tevatron. Measure  b1 /  b2 as well.  Define/calculate better the NRQCD matrix elements from fits to data.  Theory – improve at low P T region; NLO?  Are octet processes visible in photoproduction? Constrain matrix elements.  Measure J/  /  c ratio and J/  +  as a function of z at HERA

Interesting Issues  Investigate flavor connected diagrams  Study at Tevatron the production of: ccbar+Charm (D, ccbar) and bbar+Beauty (B, bbar)  Measure/compare with theory  b and B c production cross sections at the Tevatron.  Suggest reasonable ranges of uncertainties (masses, ,  (frag),…) for setting experimental systematics and for theory-experiment comparisons.

Organizational Issues  Meeting rooms: Plenary sessions in 1 West Parallel sessions in 1 West and Curia II/Hornet’s nest Additional meeting rooms (if needed): 1 East and 1North  Checking center at the crossover of the Hi-Rise ground floor  Your transparencies: Send an to with your attached pdf, ppt or gzipped ps file by noon, Sept. 22 or look for R. Mussa who has a memory stick. If you need a transparency scanner please contact the local organizing committee today.

Organizational Issues  Coffee Breaks: Outside 1 West  Picture to be taken Monday 1:00 pm, at the front steps of the Hi Rise  Transportation to and from Fermilab/Sunday lunch: More information during coffee break

Organizational Issues  Transportation to and from Fermilab: If you need transportation from your hotel to the Lab please give us your name and your hotel name. If you have a rental car which could fit one more person please give us your name and your hotel name.  The Fermilab cafeteria does not serve dinner and does not serve lunch either on Sunday. If you are interested to have pizza and soft drinks at lunch time Sunday please sign up. We can arrange for delivery and let you know what you owe.