The middle ages warfare By Ben Shaughnessy
Main categories OrganizationEquipmentSiege
organization KnightsInfantryarchers
Knights Becoming a knight Start as a kid Serve a knight play fighting Adult fighting Go into battle with the knight
infantry Infantry means light arms Spearmen Unmounted soldiers ARCHERS
archers Bow and arrows Long bow Compound bow Uses middle finger to pull string This is the most common type, the rack and pinion crossbow
Equipment Battle axe Long sword SpearShield
siege Trebuchet Siege tower Cannon
Trebuchet Smash walls or throw projectiles over them. Rocks, burning oil, dead animals/people. Appeared in Christen and Muslim lands. 300 pd/ 140 kg projectiles Most accurate weapon Leverage and counter weight Crank and lock to pull down the arm
Siege tower 135 ft tall 67.5 ft wide Pushed up to wall, ladders inside, Door opened up
cannon Long time to reload One shot per battle Not accurate Several 100 yards Up to 20,000 pounds
The end Main source: Other sources: Class room book: warfare in the middle ages