What is Sociology? The Sociological Perspective: Science of Sociology: Why do people study sociology? Concepts of Social Perspective? a.) Tells? b.) Helps?(Several) c.) Allows? d.) Gives Insight? Explain the concept of sociological imagination? Five components of Social Science? Concept of Anthropology? -Relation to Sociology? Concept of Psychology? -Relation to Sociology? Concept of Economics? -Relation to Sociology? Concept of Political Science? -Relation to Sociology? Concept of History? -Relation to Sociology?
Early People of Sociology: When did of sociology begin? Factors that led to the beginning of Sociology: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Important People: 1.) Auguste Comte: a.) When & Where? b.) His beliefs & contributions to Sociology? c.) Cerebral hygiene? 2.) Herbert Spencer: a.) When & Where? b.) His beliefs & contributions to Sociology? c.) Explain Darwinism and “survival of the fittest?” 3.) Karl Marx: a.) When & Where? b.) His beliefs & contributions to Sociology? c.) Two classes of people? Explain? d.) Classless Society? e.) Created which perspective? 4.) Emile Durkheim: a.) When & Where? b.) His beliefs & contributions to Sociology? 5.) Max Weber: a.) When & Where? b.) His beliefs & contributions to Sociology?
Current Perspectives: Purpose for theories? -Explain Theoretical Perspective. -Three Types of Sociological Perspectives? Functionalist Perspective: a.) Concept? b.) Sociologists? c.) Belief/View of Functionalist? 1.) 2.) 3.) d.) Explain the concept of dysfunctional & give examples. e.) Differences between manifest and latent function? Examples? Conflict Perspective: a.) Concept? b.) Sociologists? c.) Belief/View of Conflict theorist? 1.) 2.) 3.) d.) Competition over resources? - Effects/Outcomes? Interactionist Perspective: a.) Concept? b.) Sociologists? c.) Belief/View of Interactionist? 1.) 2.) 3.) d.) Relation and importance of symbols?