Objective: Identify and critique the sociological contributions of the following mid-to-late nineteenth century and early twentieth century sociologists: Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber
Positivism: the application of the scientific approach to the social world coined term “sociology” founder of sociology didn’t do actual research; just made informal observations about social life
second founder of sociology Social Darwinism “survival of the fittest” societies evolve from lowest to highest if you held the poor, you interfere with natural processes Didn’t do scientific research
Class Conflict: Marx’s term for the struggle between capitalists and workers bourgeoisie (capitalists, owners of production) proletariat (exploited class, mass of workers) Conflict Theory Perspective
Social Integration: the degree to which people feel a part of social groups used social facts (group’s patterns of behavior) Suicide research: less integrated = higher suicide rates Protestants, males and unmarried commit suicide at a higher rate
Religion is the central force in social change Protestant Ethic: Protestantism embraces change; members look for “signs” from God; Financial success became a strong sign from God Protestants lived frugal lives, saving their money and eventually invested it to make more (Capitalism) Verstehen: to have insight into someone’s situation