GENERAL REMARKS AND ORGANISATION International Politics of Climate Change
Outline Brief introductions Goals and overview of the course Calendar Organisation Readings Evaluation
To reach me By at By phone at I’m also available before the class if you make an appointment.
Goals and overview of the course Understand the human and political dimension of climate change. If only climate change was an environmental issue, it would be solved already. Assess how climate change is impacting upon international politics. Through its direct impacts, but also through the negotiations. Familiarise yourself with the interaction of science, politics... and uncertainty. Why are some still sceptical? Should the IPCC tell us what to do? Understand what can be done about it. And why we’re not doing it.
Overview Part 1 - Climate change as a political issue 1 – Environment and International Politics 27 January 2 – Geography of emissions 3 February 3 – Geography of impacts 3 February
Part II – Science and Politics 4 – The IPCC and Climate controversies 10 February Part III – Geopolitical issues 5 – Population displacements and migration 17 February 6 – Security concerns 17 February
Part IV – International cooperation 7 – The UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol and beyond 3 March 8 – Mitigation and Geo-engineering 10 March 9 – Adaptation and Loss & Damage 10 March 10 – The state of play of climate negotiations 17 March Role-playing game 7 April
Organisation All teaching materials on Readings PowerPoint slides Comments/discussion You’re welcome to bring new topics and share new ideas! Readings Materials from the reading list are general background readings More specific materials will be posted for each session Textbook
Two possible textbooks
Evaluation Two parts: A final exam – 2/3 of the mark Multiple choice questions Open questions where you be will required to comment on a map, a chart, a speech… Role-playing game – 1/3 of the mark Goal: To design a future global deal, anticipating the COP21 in Paris Each team (min. 2 - max. 4) will represent a country (you cannot pick your own) You will be asked to master and represent the positions of the country you have been assigned. Evaluation based on your command of your country’s position, your understanding of the bigger picture, and your ability to interact and negotiate. Half of the mark will be colletive, the other half individual.
Countries to choose from Spain The Netherlands UK Czech Republic Russia Egypt Niger DR Congo USA India Brazil Venezuela China Saudi Arabia Maldives Australia