Chapter 21 section 3
Held its first meeting in September 1792 Members were elected into this position by the universal manhood suffrage Every adult male could vote Whether he owned property or not Legislative Assembly Divided into three groups National Convention
Divided into 3 main groups Girondins Jacobians Those with no definite view Fewer were supporting the king Legislative Assembly
Republicans named for the department of the Gironde in Southern France Feared the dominations of France by Paris Girondins
Republicans that favored domination by Paris Some were extreme radicals Wanted reforms that would benefit all classes of society Jacobins
Delegates that had no definite views Most would come to favor the Jacobians Third Group
First act was to declare the end the monarch rule and to begin the republic Wrote a new constitution Brought Louis XVI to trial January 21, 1793 he was beheaded U.S was shocked at the radical methods being taken National Convention
1793 the National convention will take steps to meet threats from invaders They are to direct the army in crushing the foreign invaders Adopted conscription The draft able bodied males were subjected to military services Committee of Public Safety
Western France the Royal and the Catholic army fought against the Revolutionary army Counterrevolutionary Their aim was to counter or go against the revolution They supported the Old Regime
National Convention trying to suppress opposition and revolts Robespierre Leader Will last from 1793 to 1794 Not only against the nobility, but also against anyone suspect of being disloyal Revolutionaries Executed twice as many bourgeoisie as nobles Twice as many peasants and workers as bourgeoisie Reign of Terror
Robespierre will die in July 1794 Reign of Terror will end Wealthy middle class will take over the National convention Prices will rise sharply Hardship for the poor Many people were favoring the return of a monarchy
Democratic reforms Changes affected every level of French Society Committee of Public Safety Republic of Virtue Democratic republic in which people would act according to the principles of good citizenship Opened new schools Supported universal elementary education Economy Established wage and price controls Slavery and religion National Convention
Metric system New system of weights and measures System reflected the interest in rational thinking New calendar First Year of Liberty September 22, 1792 first day of the new calendar Date of the republics creation Names reflected the seasons Changes
1795 Completed another constitution Two-house legislature Lower House Proposed laws Small/ powerful Upper House Accepted or rejected the legislation Select executive branch 5 individuals known as the Directory
Only male property owners could vote Will govern France for 5 years Peasants, workers, and poor were still suffering Directory
1795 to 1799 a young general came to the public’s attention 5 feet 5 inches Strong personality, ambitious, energetic, and very organized Good manager if both political and military affairs Married Josephine de Beauharnais in 1796 Leader in French Society Two days later won command of the French Army Napoleon Bonaparte
Greatest general of all time Known as the Napoleonic Wars 1797 Signed a Treaty with Austria that gave France control of Northern Italy Napoleon Continued
Did away with four out of five of the directors Will turn the government over to Napoleon Coup d'état Stroke of state Seizing power in force 1799