BY: Andrew Owens
Goal Maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle To help assist in tracking the amount of calories you burn and the levels at which you burn them. Let you get the most out of your workout Keep you motivated Help you set goals to attain
About The Fuel Band A wrist band designed to track all your daily activities From workouts to your night Made for all genders, weights, and age. App lets you stay connected with the band Gives live updates Reminders Notifications Social media sharing Water resistant Stylish designs Shows time and counts steps as well
Purpose To give an individual to knowledge of their daily exercise output Keep you motivated and on track Personal trainer Lets you join groups with others to complete goals with Nike+ groups Competition drives people to perform better. Use in conjunction with all your daily workout and routines with Nike + sessions Show what workout are best for you Tracks sleep sessions as well as your workout
Use/ Value Great for the working individual with little time Always with you and easy access of information Much cheaper than many gym memberships or fitness instructors 99$ Shows you really are active even though you may not be in the gym Sports, everyday walking, hiking, etc. Makes being active and working out fun!
Where to Buy You can purchase online at for 99$ /pgid /pgid Comes in a variety of colors to meet your needs