External Relations Office Program Review Plan Response Dawn B. Crim March 7, 2012
External Review Special Issues for Consideration 1.Are the mission, goals, audiences, and strategic directions of ERO adequately aligned with the school’s strategic priorities/directions and goals? 2.Does ERO’s current structure, staffing and resources allocation adequately support the unit’s mission, goals and strategic directions? 3.How can ERO improve its connections with key internal units and partners?
External Review Special Issues for Consideration 4.Is the current external relations portfolio of activities maximizing the chance to deepen engagement with key audiences? 5.Are there new and effective ways of getting alumni feedback? 6.What can the office do to keep younger alumni more closely connected with the school?
External Review Special Issues for Consideration 1.Are the mission, goals, audiences, and strategic directions of ERO adequately aligned with the school’s strategic priorities/directions and goals? External review found that the office is aligned with the Schools strategic priorities and goals. ERO office Mantra: FORWARD
External Review Special Issues for Consideration 2.Does ERO’s current structure, staffing and resources allocation adequately support the unit’s mission, goals and strategic directions? As the review points out, the unit is stretched with its current staffing. It is my goal to add an alumni engagement position as that is the area where we are not meeting our strategic goals. Ideally returning to the staffing levels of 2011 will enable us to go beyond the basic needs and communicate more proactively.
External Review Special Issues for Consideration 3.How can ERO improve its connections with key internal units and partners? I agree with the review in that ERO can take better advantage of its relationships with it internal partners especially the business office, MERIT and better coordinate with the SoE communication expertise. We created a manual for school-wide use on working with ERO Internally we have created the Insider Scoop to better communicate with faculty and staff within the school and to create a vehicle that enables the Dean to share her activities. Increasingly our faculty and staff are getting their internal news from this source. We are strengthening our relationship with University Communications for greater representation on the University website, IUWMadison and the Experts database as a way to better promote the School.
External Review Special Issues for Consideration 3.How can ERO improve its connections with key internal units and partners? As the review suggested, we have totally revamped our relationship with our Board of Visitors creating more opportunities for direct input, more engagement and the creation of subcommittees. The mission statement and guiding principles were rewritten. The Board made a 100% annual giving commitment. One of the subcommittees is leading our Annual Giving Leaders campaign. Another is looking at creating mentoring opportunities between our current students and members of the Board of Visitors. We will look for opportunities to connect with Education Academic Services as they engage with the newly formed Deans Student Advisory Board to hear their suggestions for improved engagement and look for other natural engagement opportunities.
External Review Special Issues for Consideration 4.Is the current external relations portfolio of activities maximizing the chance to deepen engagement with key audiences? I agree with the review, this is the greatest area of opportunity for ERO. We are in the process of evaluating all events, working to reduce those activities that are solely internally focused. In 2012 the office has set goals of improving communication both internally and externally; to increase and improve alumni engagement; and to work collaboratively with the UW Foundation to increase resources for the School of Education. Again important focus on activities that cover two of the three focus areas.
External Review Special Issues for Consideration 5.Are there new and effective ways of getting alumni feedback? We will be working more closely with WAA and UW Foundation on alumni feedback as well as better incorporating social media, blogs, exploring having a YouTube channel, improving our alumni news and evaluating our communication strategies within our publications. We are also working with individual departments and units on getting their facebook pages up and running. Sharing information we are learning from the UW-Madison campus-wide social media best practices group.
External Review Special Issues for Consideration 6.What can the office do to keep younger alumni more closely connected with the school? As the review states this is a challenge area for most. We are looking to improve engagement around our signature Honors banquet that unites current students with scholarship donors. We will work more closely with WAA on young alumni events as well as look to create our own to better engage this group Lastly, we are looking to add young alumni representation to our Board of Visitors
External Relations Review Conclusion Continued benchmarking for an office name Continue to publicize and promote the School of Education Thank you to the External Relations Review team External Relations UW Foundation Wisconsin Alumni Association
Questions Thank you very much Dawn B. Crim